34th Chapter: Lazy Sunday

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Max feels her eyes slowly begin to open, the covers against her being a soft silk kind of material, the pillows being memory foam as well as the mattress, making her practically drown in the bed in the best way.

It is the best sleep she has gotten she can definitely say. Max goes to yawn while wiping her eyes and getting the morning out of them, her raising up while holding the black silk sheet to her naked frame, her not seeing Lucas in the bed.

She looks at the time, seeing that it is almost eleven in the morning, letting her know she slept in very late. It is not like she couldn't, Lucas wasn't lying when he said they were going to go at it all night because they did, Max not officially going to bed until almost two in the morning.

She looks down at her phone, seeing numerous text messages from Will. She smiles a little to herself while going to open up the messages.

Will: Max!

Will: Answer!

Will: How is it going?!

Will: Come on the suspense is KILLING ME!

Max looks towards a door in the room when it opens, Max recognizing it as the bathroom door as Lucas makes his way out of the bathroom with a black towel being wrapped around his waist, some water droplets running down his large frame with his hair being wet.

"Morning." Lucas greets.

"Morning." Max softly smiles at him, her looking around a little bit while holding the sheet against her. "So did you...want me to go or...."

Lucas smiles, seeing the slight nervous expression on her face. "Why would I want you to go?"

"Well..." Max trails off a little bit. "You know with us we're detective partners and all of that and I don't know what this night...well last night meant so I didn't know if you wanted me to go or not and we talk about it later or...."

Lucas smiles more at her, him going to crouch down in front of her. "You're cute when you are all nervous."

Max rolls her eyes. "I'm not nervous I'm just being a Good Samaritan." She shrugs.

"Is that right?"


Lucas chuckles a little, him going to pull her in closer to him. "You're not going anywhere." He says in her ear.

Max closes her eyes and lightly tilts her head to the side when he begins to trail kisses down the side of her neck, his kisses coming up to her cheek. "Wait I have morning...mmmm." She tries but Lucas is already kissing her, her kissing him back while one of her hands go on his cheek.

"Your breath smells better than most girls who actually brush their teeth." Lucas says against her lips.

Max laughs, her not helping but going to kiss him once again. His lips are soft and they are full, like to thick clouds that she cannot get enough of. Her hands go on his shoulders while scooting a little closer to him, him going to bring her to him, his large frame crouching between her legs as they hang off the bed.

Max hums in a no manner when she pulls away with a smile. "No I see where this is going. I need a shower."

Lucas chuckles a little bit. "Go on and get a shower."

"Yeah but I have to go back to my place there's specific shampoos and body wash I use." Max tells him.

"Go in the bathroom." He motions.

"Okay..." she replies while looking around. "Do you have like a robe or anything?"

"You act like I didn't see every square inch of you last night." He says before going to get up, him going over to his walk in closet and going to put on some sweats. "I'm going to get us some breakfast."

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