19th Chapter: Explosions

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"So that is why I think she is slowly trying to sliver her way inside of particular businesses because guess what?! That is what she did in New York! Why do you think she was the top business owner there when they lived there she stole all of the businesses!" Susan explains, her pacing back and forth of the ends of Joyce's desk in her office.

Joyce shakes her head. "Susan if she stole the businesses then she wouldn't have bought them out. She did things legally."

"Yeah but somehow she is convincing the board members and business owners to surrender their business which I have no idea how but Joyce we can't let that happen here." Susan says.

"Susan you are apart of board teams for almost every business here and including your energy corporation that powers up most to all of the city. Why are you so worried?"

"I'm not worried I just don't want her ass here!"

Joyce rolls her eyes. "Susan you are so uptight."

"I'm serious!" Susan says. "We don't need her setting up shop here. If Sue sees that no way she can get these businesses under her or control them in whatever way she chooses then she and her husband and her two children will have no choice but to up and go and go elsewhere. I mean seriously they were a raging success in New York why leave there and come here?"

"Susan I don't know okay, there's just a lot going on right now." Joyce says.

"I know I'm sorry." Susan replies. "I'm sorry about Jane."

Joyce sighs out. "I'm just getting so many damn calls about it that I just told Jose to hold my phone calls for a minute. Mister and Misses Garfield keep calling me asking if my daughter killed theirs, and that they want me to treat her 'accordingly' if she did, which...with the evidence and her not......" she trails off.

"Her not what?"

Joyce just shakes her head in response while closing her eyes. "Basically it is going to take a miracle, it doesn't look good."

"Is there anything I can do?" Susan asks.

Joyce just shakes her head, her looking towards the door when it opens, Karen making her way inside holding a bag of food. "Oh thank goodness."

"I come bearing the goods." Karen smiles, her putting down the bag of food in front of Joyce.

"Thank you Karen." Joyce says while opening the bag.

"Joyce you cannot forget to eat. I know things are...rocky now with your daughter being arrested but you still have to stay your full strong self." Karen mentions.

"It's just harder with Jane you guys." Joyce mentions.

"What do you mean? She doesn't strike me as a troublemaker." Susan says.

"No she isn't far from it it's....it's a long story." Joyce shakes her head. "With this plus elections coming up....it's just a lot."

"Wait someone is dumb enough to run against you?" Karen questions.

"Not as of right now but I still have to run a campaign sign papers smile into cameras and give messages in order for the people to still believe I am the Mayor for them." Joyce replies. "And I definitely don't mind it as I said it is just a lot going on right now."

"Well you know we are right here with you to help you with your campaign Joyce." Susan tells her.

"Exactly just like the last two years then the last two years oh yeah and the last two years." Karen smiles.

Joyce chuckles a little bit, her leaning back a little in her swivel chair. "God I feel so stressed."

"I have the cure to that." Karen responds, her pulling out a bottle of alcohol from her purse.

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