39th Chapter: Murder on Elm Street

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"We have another murder on 1134 Elm steet, Hawkins Indiana. Daughter of the victim walked in on his body."

"Multiple stab wounds to the chest and abdomen area, knife wound to the pelvis and forehead."

"Any signs of struggle?"

"Miss can you describe what happened when you came inside?"


"Holly can you hear me?"


Holly looks straight ahead of her with complete wide eyes, her seeing how multiple officers are around Ted's body as they take pictures of him and slowly pulls the knife from his pelvis and forehead to put in evidence.

Everything is faint, it only being the sound of her ears ringing and her racing beating heart. The sounds of the police cars gathering all around the house and the screams coming from outside and the sounds of photos being taken with the cameras.


"Can you hear me?"

"Can you tell me where the killer went?"



"Why can't we go in there?!" Nancy yells, it being her and the others along with her while Hopper stands in front of some cops blocking the way to the house, yellow crime scene tape being around the house.

"I cannot let anyone inside it is a crime scene in there!" Hopper points behind him.

"Screw that my daughter is in there!" Karen yells. "Was she hurt?!"

"Max!" Lucas calls out after he parks his car, him and Erica going over to the scene.

Max turns around to look at them. "We don't know what's happening right now Hopper won't tell us anything and Holly is in the house."

"Holly is in the house." Erica states with raised eyebrows.

"Apparently the killer...." Max trails off a little bit. "The killer was here?"

"Okay then where's Holly then?" Erica questions.

"We don't know she's in the house!" Max motions towards the house.

"Get out of my way Hopper!" Karen pushes him roughly.

"Karen your daughter is fine she'll be out in a minute we just have to ask her some questions first!" Hopper tells her.

"I need to see her! Now!" Karen yells.

"Why can't we see her why can't we go past here?!" Mike exclaims.

"Guys?! What's going on?" Vicki and Robin leave out of their car. "We see cop cars everywhere here."

"Mom! Holly!" Nancy points at Holly.

Holly stumbles a little out of the house, her hearing the calls for her. She can barely even see with how much her tears cloud up her vision, her walking over to Hopper and the cops who stand in the way of everyone else.

"Holly sweetie!" Karen immediately goes over to her, everyone circling around her.

"Holly what happened?!"

"Are you hurt?!"

"What's happening?!"

"Was the killer here?!"

"Tell us what happened!"


Holly's mouth begins to fill up, her throwing up right in the middle of the ground, making them all back up a little.

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