44th Chapter: Boiling Anger

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Erica goes to pull in front of the house, her going to put the car in park before she looks over at Holly, seeing how she looks aimlessly down, lightly playing with her fingers.

Erica looks back ahead of her. "You'll be fine, you need to talk to her sooner or later."

Holly sighs a little bit. "I know."

"You've been putting it off for weeks now, tonight is the time." Erica looks over at her.

Holly nods a little bit, her sighing as she goes to take off her seatbelt. "Maybe I should've waited a little longer—"

"No." Erica shakes her head. "You need to do this now Holly."

"She's corrupt." Holly leans her head back as she closes her eyes. "I've never felt this scared in my life."

Erica lightly taps her thumb against the wheel, her looking over at Holly to see her fighting back tears. "Holly." She says more quietly, Holly looking over at her. "I get you're scared, but the only way to move forward and become stronger is facing your fears, no matter how scary they are. It's not like you're going to be alone either, you have Nancy and Mike there with you."

"I know." Holly says softly. "It's just..we did it all together, and now my life is just turning into one big lie."

"Not everything is a lie, just your parents." Erica shrugs.

Holly nods, her going to open the passenger side door and go over to the backseat, her beginning to grab her things, Erica going to grab some things as well. After they get most of the things they go over to the door, Erica going to knock on the door.

Karen answers the door, a smile immediately going on her face. "Holly—"

"Don't." Holly holds her hand out when Karen tries to hug her.

"Hey Holly." Mike smiles softly, him taking her bags before going to hug her, Holly hugging him back while glaring at Karen.

"Are there anymore bags?" Nancy questions while she reveals herself.

"There's more in the trunk." Erica motions towards the car.

"Okay." Nancy and Mike go over to the trunk, going to begin getting the things out of the trunk.

Karen steps over to the side to let Holly come in, Erica coming in as well and her going to put down her things. "Thank you Erica for, helping." Karen nods.

Erica just looks at her for a long minute, Nancy and Mike coming back inside with Holly's things, them going to put down her things. Erica just looks away after a minute, her hands going in her pockets. "Alright then I'm leaving."

"Wait." Holly quickly takes her hand, Erica turning back to look at her. "Could you..well could I call you?"

Erica quirks a brow. "Since when do you ask for permission?"

Holly smiles at her, Erica going over to the door and her going to leave out of it, Holly sighing a little as she slowly looks at Karen.

Karen clasps her hands together. "Okay so we really need to talk, there's a huge...elephant in the room." She motions while sitting on the couch behind her.

"You mean the elephant of you cheating?" Mike goes to sit down at the couch across from her, Nancy and Holly going to sit beside him as well.

"Yes....that." Karen slowly responds. "Look guys I know you guys are angry. I am not trying to make excuses but things between me and your father it wasn't going well. I just became really tired of it and yeah I know I should've...said something instead of just doing that—"

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