40th Chapter: Explaining Things

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Max sits in the chair with crossed legs, being lightly leaned back on the chair with her arms crossed. Sam sits in front of her, with his hands clasped together with being leaned forward, his elbows on his knees.

"I'll explain the situation with the racing first." Sam starts off. "It was like....a few months ago when it all started. I was training for my biggest race of all, the track in France."

"The hardest track in the world." Max nods her head.

"Exactly, which is why Stephen wanted me to train hard for it, because if I won this race this would put me and make me more bigger than I already was." Sam mentions.

"Sam I'm telling you you need to be in this weight room all day." Stephen tells him while Sam lifts up the weight back and forth. "If not here then you need to be on that practice track practicing and practicing! No breaks!"

"Yeah I got it Stephen." Sam nods.

"Sorry man I'm just nervous." Stephen smiles. "If we make it too five we both get a lot of money. You go from rich to millionaire Sam, like big Millionaire, think about that. The fame the women!"

"Yeah no women I have my wife." Sam tells him.

"Right but still the good fame." Stephen nods. "Keep working."

"Stephen was adamant so I kept pushing myself and pushing myself because just like him I wanted to make top five in the race too." Sam explains. "But then something happened."

Sam grunts out in pain as he puts down the weight, holding his collarbone hard. "Aw shit!"

"Sam?!" Stephen runs over to him. "What happened what's going on?"

"We went to the doctor and realized that I broke from collarbone." Sam reveals. "The doctor told me that it would be probably best if I didn't race, and the race was in a few days."

Max nods her head in understanding. "Oh obviously you ended up racing because you got in third place."

"Yeah but...." Sam trails off. "I didn't really want to."

"You're still racing Sam!" Stephen points at him.

"You heard the doctor maybe I should sit this one out." Sam slowly puts on his jacket.

"Do you know what you are saying?!" Stephen questions firmly. "This is the race of a lifetime Sam! You cannot miss it! You get this opportunity and what you just want to throw it away?!"

"I'm not saying that—"

"Okay then get with the program and be prepared to race." Stephen interrupts. "You'll be fine."

"I wasn't fine." Sam shakes his head. "I was in pain during the race, relying on painkillers to help me and I was falling back."

"And we see Sam Mayfield in 10th place!"

"Dammit!" Stephen throws his headsets to the ground angrily. "Sam what is going on?!"

"I have a broken collarbone that is what is going on!" Sam responds. "Im not going to win this!"

Stephen shakes his head a little bit, him looking towards the pit crew of the other racers.

"Yes you will."

"Yes, I did end up winning third place." Sam replies. "I also saw how Stephen talked to three other pit crews from opposing teams, so I asked him about it and he told me not to worry about it, but something inside of me told me that he paid them off for the pit crew to sabotage their cars."

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