12th Chapter: Different Ideas

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Max sits in her red cushioned chair with her legs crossed, her eyes being concentrated on her phone. Some others are around the lounge room as well either sitting talking around or standing and talking around, most people still talking about Tabatha's Instagram post.

Jane sighs out as she plops down in the seat across from Max, her being in her white and blue cheerleading uniform, her long brown hair being in a high ponytail. "I'm mad at Mike."

Max looks up at her. "Why what happened?"

Jane shrugs in response. "I don't know, today's just a bad day."

"Uhh today is a great day!" Max replies. "But don't worry whatever it is blame it on Mike it's easier that way."

"Yeah you're right." Jane responds. "It's just that he just kept being annoying then one of his idiotic teammates hit Jonathan or something."

"Oh yeah I saw the video of you kicking him right in the balls I'm so proud of you!" Max cheers at her. "That's how you do it! You tell these boys that you are your own man too! Yes that video made me so satisfied!"

Jane sighs out while leaning back a little bit, her just pouting a little bit. "I just want to scream."

"I screamed in the shower today because I started my period." Max nods her head.

"Hey I never asked but how are you doing?" Jane questions. "You know with the whole murder thing. That happened in your house."

"I'm good Jane, you know that's what I like most about me and you we don't have to do the whole check up thing so much." Max tells her.

"Yeah exactly and I think that's why I'm mad at Mike I don't know. Just give me some space god." Jane leans back a little bit. "But I want him now." She pouts.

"No you can't do that you cannot give in Jane!" Max points at her. "Don't give him the satisfaction of giving in I'm telling you men get off on that kind of stuff. Oh you're all mad but as soon as they give you some look or some touch the girl just automatically gives in that's some bullshit."

"Yeah you're right that's bullshit." Jane nods.



"What's bullshit?" Will questions, him going to sit down on the armrest of Max's chair.

"Men." Max replies. "Wait scratch that..straight men." She winks at Will, Will winking back at her while going to kiss her hand, Max fanning her face with a smile. "Will I am going to marry your sexy ass."

"And I'm going to marry your sexy ass back." Will responds.

Jane scrunches up her face while looking at her phone. "Mike is texting me."

"Don't give in!" Max points at her.

"Give into what?" Will questions confused.

"To the tricks of straight men! Stay mad at him!" Max points at Jane.

"But he looks so good on his contact picture I did for him." Jane pouts. "His face dimples are so cute."

"Stay mad at him!" Max states firmly.

"Yeah!" Will agrees. "Even though I don't know why we are mad at him."

"Okay." Jane replies. "I sent him the middle finger."

"Marvelous!" Max cheers with a smile while snapping her fingers. "Okay let me tell you all about my past days."

"Okay." Will nods.

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