18th Chapter: Fighting Back

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Steve sits on a barstool in the kitchen in the large mansion that they live in, him having a plate made in front of him that he barely even touches, him just staring straight ahead of him with his hair slightly disheveled from him running his hand through it so much out of stress.

He looks towards his phone when it dings, him smiling softly when he sees a call from his Dad, him going to pick it up and answer it. "Hey Dad. I made your favorite stuffed chicken with dirty rice on top. It's already done when you get here."

"Oh I appreciate that son truly, but I have to work late." Gregory, his father says over the phone. "Special project."

Steve nods his head a little bit, him closing his eyes while massaging his forehead a little with his fingers. "Yeah no problem it's all good. I understand you need to finish all of the big projects to get big money you know." He lightly jokes.

"Yeah." Gregory laughs. "But listen bring me some up here when you can. You know I can never turn down that stuff."

"Yeah sure Dad, okay." Steve nods.


Steve hangs up the phone, him putting it back down besides his plate. He looks towards the door when it opens, Josephine going to make her way inside of the house. "Hey mom."

"Hey sweetie." Josephine smiles, her putting down her purse and going over to the kitchen to wash her hands. "Oh yes stuffed chicken and dirty rice! You make this so good I'm proud of you."

Steve smiles while getting up. "Thanks mom. Here I'll make you a plate."

"Aren't you a gentlemen." Josephine says, her going to sit up on the barstool next to him.

Steve smiles at her softly, him going to make her a plate and put it in front of her, him next going to pour her some wine in her glass. "How was your day?"

"Man it was some day, I accompanied Joyce because well...Jane got arrested." Josephine answers, her taking the glass in her hands after he gets done pouring the wine inside of it.

"Yeah I heard." Steve nods. "It's crazy. And Robin was too. I can't even see her that's a bummer."

"Yeah." Josephine sighs. "What about you sweetie how was your day?"

Steve just goes to sit next to her. "I umm...tried calling Dad for dinner but he's staying late for work."

"That's not surprising." Josephine murmurs to herself, her taking a long sip out of her wine.

Steve smiles tightly. "I was kind of hoping he would."

Josephine sighs a little bit. "I don't know Steve." She lightly rubs her forehead.

"Are you thinking about divorce?" He turns to look at her.

"I don't know." Josephine shrugs. "I don't want to do that to you but at the same time it's hard. He's barely here and even when he is he's focused on something else it never used to be like this."

"Yeah I know." Steve replies.

Josephine puts down her glass, her turning her body to face Steve. "Come on you think I don't know my boy?" Josephine's hand goes on his cheek. "What's going on?"

Steve looks down a little bit. "Nancy has been cheating on me."

"What?" Josephine raises her eyebrows.

Steve sighs a little bit. "She broke up with me before I found out. And....I don't know she started into how I didn't listen to her when she saw I was looking at other girls and—"

"No that doesn't give her the right to cheat Steve!" Josephine says firmly. "Oh my god sweetie." Josephine brings his head to her chest, him just leaning his head on her chest. "This isn't your fault, don't go blaming yourself."

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