Prologue Chapter: Arriving

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"The best way to show profession, sophistication is through a nice fine tie. Not just any pattern of a tie, the full Windsor Knot."

"Raise the shirt collar and drape the tie around your neck, so the wide end is on the right side and extends about 12 inches below the narrow end."

"Cross the wide part of the tie over the narrow part."

"Pull the wide end up through the opening of the neck, then down."

"Pass the wide end underneath and to the right of the narrow part with the wrong side facing out."

"Cross the wide part over and to the left of the narrow part with the correct side facing out."

"Pull the wide end up through the opening at the neck."

"When bringing it down, pass it through the loop at the front."

"Holding the dangling parts with one hand, slide the knot carefully up toward the collar with the other hand until snug, then lower the collar."

"You see now son?" Charles smiles while brushing Lucas off, both of them looking into the mirror in front of them. "You're a man now."

Lucas smiles in the mirror, him pushing his shoulders back.

Lucas gets done putting on his black and blue stripped tie and adjusting it perfectly around his neck, him adjusting the black collars of his shirt over the tie, putting down the collars neatly on his nice material of his shirt. He tucks the shirt into his black suit pants, him putting on his black Gucci belt along with it, adjusting his sleeves for them to stop at his elbows, revealing the set of tattoos that are on his left arm.

He looks at himself in the mirror, seeing how he has grown to be more brawny, more larger in size, more taller. He pushes his shoulders back before releasing them, lightly bringing his chin down to eye himself in the mirror, the heavy stoic expression on his face becoming normal for him.

He doesn't have to look towards his bathroom door when he hears a knock on it. Lucas already recognizes the smell, even down to the footsteps and the patterns as they take one step after another, or how heavily or lightly their foot comes in contact with the tiled floor, or how the presence just feels like he is looking at them straight in their face.

"Dad." Lucas acknowledges, him still looking in the mirror.

Charles smiles, him leaning off the doorframe. "You have eyes at the back of your head and at the sides." He comes to stand behind him, looking in the mirror over Lucas shoulder. His hands go on Lucas shoulders, his grip tightening on them a little bit with a smile. "Look at you, all grown up now."

Lucas goes to adjust his tie a little bit, looking at him through the mirror before looking back in the mirror. "Only took what sixteen years?"

"Took a awful lot of time, almost exhausting. Well..exhausting." Charles shrugs, Lucas just adjusting his tie more. "I'm glad you decided on Indiana, great for business. What made you choose Hawkins?"

Lucas puts his hands in his pockets after putting his silver tie clip on. "As you said Dad, great for business. Great expire."

Charles smiles with a approved nod, him patting Lucas shoulders again. "Make sure everything of yours is packed. We leave in ten minutes."

Lucas just continues to look in the mirror as Charles leaves out of the room, Lucas going to adjust his silver Rolex watch on his wrist.

"Give it!"

"Leave me alone!" Lucas yells, him landing a hard punch and him screaming out from his hand starting to hurt.

"You son of a bitch!"

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