30th Chapter: A Night Inn

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Jane looks aimlessly ahead of her out of the window, seeing how the rain falls heavily on the window, some of the lightening brightening up the sky for a split second before going back dark. Her brown hair is damp from her shower, her wearing one of Mike's shirts and some night shorts, her lightly hugging herself as she looks out of the window.

The memory still plagues her from when she got the memories back of that night. True, she is relieved that she knows without a doubt now she had nothing to do with Regina's death because at first she really thought that she did, but now she knows that even when she was in a state where she didn't know what she was doing she was helping her, even though she never liked her when they were schoolmates.

But the memories of Edward still plague her mind now more than ever and she doesn't know why, or maybe she does. She is stuck at a cross contamination of feelings, because one side of her feels sorry for the way that he died but the other side doesn't, and that is the part that scares her. He was murdered in a very gruesome manner, and it shouldn't be something she should feel relieved over.

But he wasn't a good man, he raped girls and she was almost a victim. Regina wasn't exactly good either, she has exposed multiple girls of their explicit photos, plus has bullied many and connived towards many. It just makes her realize that the killers mind is rather complex.


Jane turns to look at Mike, him leaving out his bathroom being dressed in some shorts, a hand running through his damp hair. "Hi."

"Hey." Mike rounds the bed to stand behind her, his hands going around her. "What are you thinking about?"

"The killer." Jane replies. "Maybe they have a broken mind like me."


"No no I'm being serious." She turns to look at Mike. "Because they think they are doing the world Justice by killing these kinds of people, think they are doing Justice by killing the rich. Regina...we all knew she was a diva, she liked things her own way. She bullied, she posted explicit photos of multiple girls and almost exposed Vicki's. Edward, rapist, almost exposed Regina's photos. In their minds they are doing the right thing, but they just probably realize what they are doing. Could that maybe be the case?"

"Maybe." Mike shrugs a little. "But right now by concern is you. Look I know you are getting tired of the constant questions and I'm sorry, I just want to be sure that when you are telling me that you are okay that you really are. Please Jane don't hold in your feelings, I want you to talk to me about whatever is bothering you okay?"

Jane looks down a little bit, Mike going to take her hands and softly stroke his thumbs over her cuts on the fronts of her wrists.

"I'm right here Jane, for all of you." Mike tells her softly.

Jane looks up at him, her going to lean her head on his chest. "I know." She replies back, her arms going around his waist. "I'm just scared Mike. It's scared to admit that something...mental is going on with me. I don't even know what it is yet it's to early for doctors to give a diagnosis but they said because of the cutting it might be a depression thing and with the mental blackouts it might be a certain epilepsy, to where it just affects my memory."

"Hey." Mike goes to cradle her face. "Whatever it is I am here for you okay?"

"I know Mike, you always are." She responds. "I just...I don't want to mess anything up. Not with my friends my family, and especially not you, I need you."

"You won't Jane." Mike pulls her in closer. "I'm not going anywhere."

Jane nods her head softly, her closing her eyes while her arms wrap more around his waist.

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