6th Chapter: Interrogations

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"Chief we have a code five at 2748 JR south avenue Parkway Mayfield residence. A seventeen year old female found dead in one the bedrooms while a party was happening in the residence. What's your status?"

"This is Chief Hopper responding." Hopper says before going to turn his car around, him going to turn on his police sirens. "I need all units to respond, code five."

"All units responding." Powell says over the radio, all of the cops going to quickly get inside of their police cars and all of them turning their sirens on, all of them beginning to make their way over to the large mansion.

Most of the students inside of the house either cry or panic in horror, some of them making their way outside of the house and going to go back to their own homes.

"Everyone just move away!" Lucas motions, him going to close the door behind him.

"Is she dead?!"

"She's dead!"

"Who killed her?!"

The sounds of the screams and the sounds of terror are faint for Max, her hands being leaned on the countertop where all of the empty red cups lay and the bottles of alcohol everywhere, her just looking down at the grey Fine polished marble slabbed counter.



Max closes her eyes a little bit, her hearing nothing but the sounds of her growing heartbeat hammering inside of her chest, the pumps filling her ears and light beads of sweat beginning to be seen on her forehead, her red nails lightly scratching against the counter.


Max turns around, seeing Lucas looking at her in concern. She clears her throat a little bit, her tucking some hair strands behind her. "What?"

"Are you okay?" He questions.

"Yeah I'm fine I'm not the one dead." Max motions towards the closed door.

"Max." Nancy comes downstairs, Jonathan being a little behind her as he looks around, her going over to her. "What the hell is happening?"

"Go see for yourself in there." Max says.

"No you don't want to go in there." Lucas motions behind him.

"Where were you?" Max questions.

"I..." Nancy tries a little.

"It was probably this psycho!" Steve points at Jonathan.

"What?" Jonathan questions.

"Come on everyone already knows that you are some deranged hot headed sociopath that even gets pissed off when his pencil breaks!" Steve exclaims. "What did you kill her?! Take off all of her clothes off first to jerk yourself off before killing her?!"

"Hey back off!" Will stands besides Jonathan.

"How about you ask me that but ask me right in my face Steve, see where it gets you." Jonathan steps closer to Steve.

"Sounds like a threat." Steve's expression turns more firm and maddening as he steps closer to him, both him and Jonathan looking intensely into each other eyes. "Is that the same way you threatened Regina before you tied her up and killed her you sicko!" Steve roughly pushes him.

Jonathan punches him making the crowd gasp, Steve stumbling back a little bit, him sneering as he goes to punch Jonathan back.

"Enough!" Nancy gets in between them while yelling, her holding her hands out towards the both of them. "Steve stop it! Alright let's just get home!"

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