66th Chapter: Helping Ones Out

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Erica gets done throwing the last of the things in the fireplace in the box, her going over to the room that used to be Sue and Charles and going to pull the king sized mattress off of the bed before going to break down the bed, her getting done after some long minutes.

Erica breaths a little bit, her body being in a light coat of sweat, her looking down at her watch to see that it is almost three, her going to leave out of the room and going to search for Holly.

"Holly!" Erica calls out.

"In here!"

Erica rounds the corner, her leaning her elbow on the wall while watching Holly, seeing how she goes to put the last vase of flowers on the counter, her being dressed in a tank top and some leggings and sneakers. "Holly. What are these?" She motions.

Holly looks back at her while taking a breath, her being in a light coat of sweat as well. "Flowers, they look good right?" She questions, Erica just looking at her with crossed arms. "Oh come on not everything is doom and gloom Erica plus I miss gardening, plus it looks great come look at it."

Erica goes to stand besides Holly while looking at the counter, the three vases of flowers being perfectly symmetrical.

"Well?" Holly smiles at her. "You like it?"

Erica just looks at her before she goes to walk away, her going over to the kitchen.

Holly smiles while she follows her. "That means you like it."

Erica takes two bottled waters out of the fridge, her closing it before tossing one to Holly. "It's not bad." She mutters.

Holly smiles while drinking her water, her going to bring it away from her lips and put the bottle down. "Thanks for this by the way." She motions towards the house. "I needed something to do."

Erica looks at her while she closes her water bottle. "What's going on with you?"

Holly looks up at her. "What?"

"You're always thinking what's going on?"

Holly sighs a little bit. "Sometimes I think about Dad, then mom and....she always calls when she can, but I never answer."

Erica nods her head a little bit. "Anything else?"

Holly sighs again. "Well now we're in winter season it is the season where it is basically break time for gardening but when spring season comes that is the most busiest season and....now that my mom was arrested plus that on the news that she was using these gardens as a cover up....the business is probably going to plummet and...I don't know what to do."

"I don't want it to I always enjoyed gardening, I love flowers and...but the business part of things was always her thing." Holly mentions. "I don't know I'm just thinking out loud I'll figure it out." She waves.

Erica takes a longer sip out of her water. "I'm probably going to regret this." She mutters.

"What?" Holly questions.

"How much are you willing to offer me if I partner with you?" Erica questions.

"Partner?" Holly smiles. "You would help me?" 

"Depends. How much?"

Holly thinks about the question. "Ten percent?"

Erica scoffs, her going to drink more of her water. "Forty percent."

"What but that's...twenty percent?"



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