37th Chapter: Man of Honor

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The car goes to pull in front of the NapPrime video and recording station, Sue going to make her way out of the backseat of the car, her going over to the front door and going to press the buzzer button, her showing her face to the camera.

The door clicks open, Sue going to make her way inside of the building.

"Misses Sinclair." The receptionist greets her. "The meeting will be taking place upstairs on the ninety floor in the conference room. It will be to your left."

"Thank you." Sue nods with a smile. She goes up the elevator, making it to the ninth floor and going over to the conference room, her opening the door to see the board members of the company already inside. "Hello good evening everyone."

"Hello Misses Sinclair good evening." They all go to shake her hand before Sue goes to sit down. "We appreciate your proposal."

"And I trust you all had time to ready over the contracts and papers and all." Sue mentions.

"We did, we're just awaiting one last board member until we can get this meeting started." One of them say.

"Oh no worries. I am absolutely certain that I can take this company to the next level." Sue says.

"Pray tell then."

Sue looks over towards the opened door, Susan making her way inside and her going to sit at the end chair across from Sue. "Susan." Sue grits out lightly.

Susan smiles at her while crossing her legs, her leaning back lightly in her chair. "Sue, are you aware that this is a family business. It has been in the Prime's family for over six generations."

"I do however their generation will still continue after the raging success I will put the company through, of course bigger paychecks." Sue mentions.

"Yeah I did see you promised a large sum of money for each board member if we chose to buy out. But after running calculations in the long run you would be making way more than we would've gotten. Plus this being a family business plus them really not looking to sell but since they are such nice human beings here we are entertaining your thought." Susan tells her.

"Well it is not you just making the choice, it has to be a vote." Sue tells her.

"Oh I'm glad you said that." Susan smiles. "Because to speed this little meeting up the board already discussed this proposal and came up with a decision, so members..." Susan looks around the room. "All those in favor of handing over the legacy of NapPrime over to Misses Sinclair for handling."

All of the board members look around a little bit, but none of them going to raise their hands, some of them sending Sue apologetic expressions.

"All those against." Susan says, all of the board members going to raise their hands.

Sue glares at Susan, Susan just sending her a smile before she goes to raise her hand.

"Well I think that settles it." Susan looks around. "Meeting adjourned."

Sue continues to glare at Susan, Susan just having a smile on her face.


"I sincerely do apologize." One of the board members begin to tell Sue while they talk around the room. "It is nothing personal I assure you, it is just that Susan highlighted some really good point as to why not to sell the company."

"I completely understand, just business." Sue smiles at her, the woman nodding her head with a polite smile before she walks away.

Sue goes over to Susan, seeing her getting done talking with one of the board members. "You have a lot of nerve Susan."

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