63rd Chapter: You're Glorious

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Steve sits on his couch while he looks at the picture of him and Gregory on the picture frame, him holding the rectangular picture in his hand. Boxes are still everywhere around the house, beer bottles being on the table in front of the couch, the TV running mindlessly.

His eyes are half lidded, his drunken eyes looking at the picture as him and Gregory both smile into the camera, both of them holding game controllers in their hands while sitting on this very couch.

Tears well up in Steve's eyes, him slowly going to rub his face with his hand while looking at the picture.

He looks towards his phone when it rings, him going to pick it up and look at the contact, his heart beating faster when he sees the same area code number contacting him, him slowly going to click on the accept button.

"Hello! An incarcerated individual with the name of—"

"Your mother."

"Is trying to reach you. If you wish to accept this call please press one, otherwise to deny this call please press two."

Steve just looks ahead of him as he listens to automated voice on speaker phone, him still holding the picture in his hand.

"I'm sorry I didn't catch that. If you wish to accept this call please press one, otherwise to deny this call please press two."

He looks towards the door when a knock is heard on it followed by the doorbell, him going to hang up the phone to stand up and stumble a little as he gets up, him going over to the door and going to open it.

"Woah Steve." Robin starts, her Vicki and Mike being there.

"Hey guys." Steve greets.

"Steve why are you still here man?" Mike questions as he comes inside of the house, him looking around the messy house.

"Because this is my home." Steve lightly slurs, him motioning towards the house. "I grew up here you know this very house."

"Steve you can't stay here. You can't...stay at the place your father was murdered and where...Max and you almost got hurt." Vicki mentions.

"Then where else am I suppose to go?" Steve throws up his hands.

"Steve you're rich you can buy any house you want." Mike tells him.

"Yeah well I just don't want any house." Steve replies, him going to plop down on the couch. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We're here to help you." Robin goes to sit down besides him. "Here to get you packed up and out of here."

"I don't want to leave." Steve shakes her head.

"You need to Steve." Mike tells him. "Look if you want to search for another place and not immediately move in somewhere that's fine, I have a place you can stay at okay? Just until you find a place. Sound good?"

Steve just shrugs a little bit in response, him going to look back at the picture. "How come I didn't know my mom was a crazy psychopath?"

"You couldn't have known Steve, she fooled all of us." Robin motions. "But...you can't keep doing this to yourself. You can't keep blaming yourself for your Dad's death, for what happened to Max, and with that happened with Regina Edward Ted and Claudia, that wasn't your fault that was hers and hers only."

Steve just feels his eyes slowly beginning to close. "I just miss him." He begins to cry.

Robin goes to pull him in for a hug, Vicki going to sit at the other end of him and rub his back while he cries.

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