47th Chapter: For Lucas

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Max goes to wake up, her going to dismiss her alarm, feeling a little draggy and tired from barely getting any sleep last night. Normally she would complain, and normally she would sleep in even though it is a school day.

Not today.

Max goes to get up, her first going to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face, her going to put on some volleyball shorts and a sports bra and some sneakers, her putting her hair in a high ponytail before going to put her AirPods in her ears.

She uses the extra hour to start working out, her either going to her weight room to begin lifting weights while music blast in her ears, her using the bench press, monkey bar, and different other exercising machines to let off her anger and also get her workout in.

After she is done she goes to take a jog outside, the cold beginning to set in more since it is Autumn season almost going into Winter. She ignores the stares that are sent her way, her making it back home after some time, her going to take off her clothes from her sweaty body and her going to get in the shower.

She holds her head back as she lets the hot shower water pour on her, Lucas words just ringing into her mind when she feels either just her anger or sadness try and take over her, her just taking a deep breath after closing her eyes, followed by another deep breath and another one.

She takes a long time in the shower, her getting out after she is done. She looks at herself in the mirror, her going to hold her chin up a little bit while blinking a little more, her blinking her tears away as she stares in the mirror with a firm expression, her closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

"No time to wallow." She says to herself.

She goes to first do her hair in deep curls before putting on her makeup, her going over to her closet and going to pick out some red high ride jeans and going to put them on followed by a long sleeved sweat shirt and her high tops, her going to look at herself in the mirror after she is done.

She looks down at her phone when it dings, her looking through the countless messages everyone has been sending to her, her just sighing a little bit before she goes to leave out of her room.

Sam gets done pouring Susan coffee, her taking the mug and going to drink some while looking at her laptop. "There are going to be even more protests happening in the city since Lucas has been arrested, and since his mother is already starting her podcasts about it for racial equality." Sam drinks more of his coffee while looking down at his phone.

"I don't understand her like honestly, she pings everything as race. Because that is the only thing she has going for her." Susan shrugs. "But I promise you things are going to quiet down since he has been arrested, I'm telling you all of this started when they got here and the boy is already creepy, so it goes hand in hand."

Sam chuckles a little bit. "Don't let Max hear you say that, I heard you both arguing last night."

"Max can think whatever she wants in the end things are going to settle down." Susan comments.

They both look across from them when Max makes her way inside of the kitchen, her going to begin making her a smoothie. "Morning Max." Sam greets.

Max looks over at him before looking back at Susan, her just staring at her computer screen. "Hi." She simply says, her going back to making her smoothie.

"We understand you are...upset due to what happened yesterday with Lucas." Sam mentions.

"But just saying things are going to get more quiet." Susan shrugs, going to drink more of her coffee.

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