33rd Chapter: Lights down Low

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The lights are a dark red in the room, the LED strip lights around the ceiling corners of the walls illuminating the room, as well as the under bed red lights in the room, music still playing in Lucas room as well.

But Max and Lucas can barely hear the music that plays in the room, especially Lucas since Max is practically screaming in his ear.

Max screams in pleasure, her legs being over Lucas shoulders as he stands at the edge of the bed, roughly bringing her back against him while he pounds into her, not giving her any second for breath. Max can barely hear the music because his skin slaps so hard against hers, so much to where her ass and the back of her thighs sting, and she knows she is a bright red on her ass and the back of her thighs as well.

He is quite observant, after he gave her a little break and got her some water he went right back to fucking her, him using condoms now because he knew if he didn't chances are she would get pregnant because with how good she feels he knows it would be hard to pull out especially during that period of ecstasy.

His arms go around her thighs to spread them apart, him practically manhandling her with how hard he slams into her, Max's legs shaking even more because now he has found where exactly to hit her at a angle that grazes and rubs against her G spot causing more intense orgasms for her, plus her sensitive places he is growing to learn.

Max babbles incoherently while he begins to rub her clit quickly from side to side, him watching as his long wet cock pushes and out of her, her clit being swollen and engorged from the stimulation, her whole core being wet from either his tongue or his fingers.

His hand wraps around her throat as he continues to pound roughly into her, Max crying out loudly while her hands go to his arm. "Open your eyes." He tells her.

"I can't!" She cries out.

She screams when Lucas pulls out only to slap her clit hard, her legs shaking profusely and her mewling out highly when he pushes back inside of her.

"You want to try that again?" He questions.

Max goes to open her eyes, his hand still being wrapped tightly around her throat as he continues to pound roughly inside of her, his thumb on his other hand rubbing her clit. She fights to keep her eyes open, her teeth marks being evident on her bottom lip with how much she has been biting it. "God you're so fast!" She exclaims out loudly, her hands gripping his arm. "I'm gonna cum!"

Lucas head goes back a little while he slams into her, both of his hands going to grasp her hips tightly while pounding more into her, her spasming once more around him making him grunt hard, his head going back more while his nails roughly dig into her hips, him wildly bringing her hips back and forth against him while he continues to pound inside of her, him thrusting inside of her in a three thrusts a second type pace.

Max slaps a hand over her mouth while she screams out loudly, her other hand trying to reach for him as her eyes screw shut, her head going back as she clenches around him hard, her juices beginning to sputter out inside of her once more.

"Fuck!" Lucas exclaims in a deep gruff tone before he releases inside of the condom, him bending a little for his front to go against Max's front as he grinds himself against her while still inside of her, her legs still shaking up in the air while her arms wrap quickly around his neck.

"I...I can't stop." Max tries to say.

"Can't stop what?" He says in her ear.

"Shaking it's so much."

Lucas smiles against her ear, him going to nibble on her earlobe a little bit. "That's the whole point isn't it? I did say I was going to fuck you out."

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