13th Chapter: Incognito Missions

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Jane makes her way inside of the house, her sighing as she closes the front door to the mansion behind her, her putting her keys up on the key holders on the wall.

She goes to put her purse on the long kitchen counter before she opens up the refrigerator, her taking out some things and looking through the full refrigerator, her humming to herself a little bit as she takes some things out to make a salad.

"Shit!" Jane jumps after she turns around, her dropping the dressing and the salad mix on the floor. Mike smiles a little as he rounds the counter, him going to pick up the things she dropped. "Mike! How did you even get in here?!"

"You never lock the door." Mike replies. "Like ever."

"Whatever." She rolls her eyes a little bit.

Mike puts the things down on the counter, him motioning towards the bag he set on the table. "I got you a salad, so you don't have to worry about making one."

"Well you didn't have to do that I don't mind cooking."

"I know I didn't have to, I just wanted to." Mike replies. "Why are you in such a sour mood today?"

"I'm not." Jane responds.

"Seriously?" Mike lightly chuckles, him inching closer and closer to her. "You blow me off, tell me off, flip me off."

Jane's back hits the door to the fridge, her eyes widening a little bit as her heart begins to beat a little more faster, her looking around her a little bit before looking back at Mike who stands in front of her.

He places a hand on the door to the fridge, Jane swallowing a little bit while looking up at him a little bit. The closer he comes the more her backside goes more against the refrigerator door, her trying to form some distance but the refrigerator prevents it.

"Via text." Mike adds in. "And not only that you knee a guy that didn't even hit Jonathan. I did however talk to the guy that did."

"Well I thought it was him." Jane mumbles.

Mike continues to look at her, his fingers playing a little with the strands of hair on the side of her face. "So, do you want to tell me why you been having a attitude with me all day?"

Stay mad Jane stay mad

Jane glares at him lightly. "I'm not having a—"

Jane doesn't even get to finish before he turns her around and her front hits the door to the refrigerator, her gasping in surprise from the action.

"You want to try that again?" Mike says in her ear, her hands lightly gripping the edges of the fridge while his hands slide down her sides. "Come on Jane, we know how this goes, how this works, how this ship always sails when you act this way."

Don't give in.

Don't give in.

DON'T give in.

"I'm not...giving you any satisfaction Mike." Jane tries.

Mike smiles a little bit against her ear. "Is that why you can barely talk when I'm barely even touching you?" He questions, her swallowing as his hand slides down her flat stomach, his other hand trailing up to her neck, lightly circling his hand around her neck. "Open your legs."

Jane's eyes are screwed shut, her shaking her head while her thighs are close. She curses herself greatly in her head, her hands still gripping the edges of the fridge, telling herself to just walk away.

Why can't she walk away?

"No?" Mike asks while his hand trails more down, him riding up her skirt a little bit. "Jane, you do know I can just push my way inside...."

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