59th Chapter: Jiwsaw Pieces Combining

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Steve feels his eyes slowly begin to open, his head that hangs low slowly beginning to raise up, him hearing the sound of the instrumental opera music that plays in the basement, his cloudy vision seeing as Josephine prepares the restraints on the table in the middle of the room, it having stains of blood on the brick table, her humming to herself as she does.

Steve begins to breathe a little heavier, him looking around and him seeing how he is tied to a chair. His forearms are tied tight to the armrests of the chair, his legs being tied securely around the chair legs of the chair, him looking around a little in a panic.

Josephine looks over at her. "Don't panic Steve."

"Mom? What are you doing?" He questions in a panic. "Mom...."

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you. I could never hurt you." Josephine smiles softly at him, her turning back to look towards the table.

Steve looks with wide eyes as Josephine goes to prepare the restraints on each end of the table more, it being one on each corner. "Mom what....no....no no no no." His heart begins to sink more and more. "Please...please don't tell me it's been you this entire time."

"I know you're confused Steve." Josephine says before she turns to look at him, her going to clean her glasses before she puts them on. "But don't worry, I am going to make you understand. And as soon as you understand you can realize why this is so important. Then we can move somewhere together just me and you." She smiles at him.

"You killed Dad." Steve begins to cry, Josephine searching for his phone in his pocket. "Why mom? Why did you kill Dad why?" He cries, Josephine going to hold his phone in front of him making it unlock with his Face ID, her beginning to go through his phone. "What are you doing?"

Josephine looks back at him before looking down at his phone. "Finishing my grand finale." She smiles. "Don't worry I know you are confused Steve, but I am going to make you understand, I'll explain it all."

Steve looks at her with complete terror, him beginning to cry more.

Dustin types away on the computer in front of him, him being seated at one of the barstools, Suzie sitting besides him while rubbing his back.

Max paces a little bit, her just shaking her head lightly, her lightly wiping her eyes a little bit. "I mean it makes sense, how else would the killer get the videos out? They needed someone from Henderson IT to do it. So they threaten Claudia she doesn't want to do it anymore and....yeah."

"It might've been where the killer was asking her to release another video." Erica mentions.

"Which means it is probably another body down." Lucas adds in.

Max looks down at her phone when it dings, her going to open up the message.

Steve: Max I was wrong I am sorry, Lucas isn't the killer.

Steve: Come quick to my place, I found something.

Max eyebrows furrow a little bit, her going over to the room and going to close the door behind her.

Lucas looks at her while he does, him going over to the room door and going to open it, seeing Max changing. "Max." He says while she pulls up her jeans, her going to put on a shirt and a jacket. "Where are you going?"

"To chase a lead." Max replies. "We need to go on and find this son of a bitch."

"What do you have?" Lucas questions.

"I don't know yet." She replies, her going to grab her bag. "Just keep helping Dustin, he needs it. I'll be back."

Lucas looks at her as she leaves out of the room door, her going towards the front door and leaving out of it, everyone else being to concentrated looking at articles and different files to try and figure things out.

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