25th Chapter: Forms of Relaxation

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The shower water pours on.

Jane stands under the shower head, her just letting the water pour on her. It just makes her realize how much she actually loves showers, and how much she appreciates them since she wasn't able to take one for two days straight.

She makes sure to have the shower head lights on, the bathroom light being off. Maybe it will stir up a memory like it did before, the colors fading into different other colors making the water even light up with the colors as well.

She leans her head back before opening her eyes, her eyes setting on the shower head, slowly running her hands through her hair. Her eyes just concentrate on the shower head, her just taking a little deep breath.

"How did I...." Jane looks up at the disco light in the room. "How did I...."

"Shhh." Arms go around her.

"No...no no..."

"I hear how good you sound when your boyfriend fucks you." He says in her ear. "I want to hear those sounds too."


"Come on."

"Get OFF!" Jane pushes him off, her quickly going over to the door, staggering in her step.


Jane looks over her shoulder a little bit, Mike's arms going around her from behind. "Is everyone gone?"

"Yeah." He answers. "I just got done helping your parents clean up."

"Okay." Jane replies.

Mike kisses the bottom of her earlobe softly. "What's going on?"

Jane closes her eyes while she leans on him. "I'm scared." She admits. "I don't know what's going on with me. Bits...and pieces of the memories are coming back slowly but...what if I find out something that I did that I don't want to admit and I really did have something to do with—"

"Hey no." Mike turns her around. "Jane you are not a killer. You had nothing to do with Regina's death, I know that for a absolute fact. Know that too baby, I know you had nothing to do with it. And...as soon as you remember what happened you will know that too."

Jane looks down a little bit. "Why is something wrong with me?" She questions. "There's nothing wrong with anyone else."

"I don't know." Mike brings her in closer. "But whatever it is we are going to figure it out and we are going to get a handle on it okay? I am going to be right there with you. Through it all. Okay?"

Jane smiles softly at him. Her hand goes through his thick black hair, her inching closer to him while looking up at him. Mike looks down at her while his index finger lightly strokes her cheek.

Jane goes to kiss him, Mike kissing her back while bringing her in closer. Jane begins to deepen the kiss, her leading one of his hands to her core while she goes against the wall, her clouded gaze looking at him.

Mike inches closer to her, him bringing one of her legs up while he goes to kiss her once again, the kiss being more deeper and harder. He lightly nibbles on her bottom lip while he begins to rub her clit, pinching it lightly like the way he always does and the way she likes before beginning to rub it in slow firm pressed circles.

Jane puts her head back against the shower wall, her looking at him with clouded eyes while she bites her lip softly. Mike's thumb goes to slowly take her bottom lip from in between her teeth.

When he pushes his thin long digits inside of her her eyes immediately flutter close while a moan of pleasure leaves her, the more he begins to move his fingers inside of her the more her hands grip his arms, her head beginning to slowly go back while she moans out.

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