68th Chapter: Getting Back

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Another week later.........


Mike and Jane both kiss each other while she is on his lap, her lightly grinding against him while he sits at the edge of the bed, her going to begin unbuttoning his shirt.

"How do you feel today?" Mike says against her lips.

"Happy." She replies, her getting done unbuttoning his shirt. "But I really don't want to talk right now."

"I definitely won't complain about that." Mike responds, him going to kiss her and bring her more closer to him.


Jane jumps and gets off of Mike's lap when the door slams open, her going to put her jacket back on.

"Oh shit I'm sorry!" Will quickly says.

"Woah!" Max exclaims, her and Lucas standing with Will.

"Max? Lucas?" Mike and Will question at the same time.

"Yeah I was coming up here to surprise you both since you both didn't hear me calling you guys from upstairs." Will mentions. "I didn't know you guys were about to get freaky so that's my bad."

"Do you both want us to go?" Max points behind her.



"Mike!" Jane scolds while she slaps his shoulder, her going to zip up her jacket before smiling at them. "Hi guys! Welcome back!"

Lucas eyes widen a little when Jane goes to hug him, him going to awkwardly pat her back. "Thanks."

Max squeals as she holds her arms out, her and Jane going to hug each other tightly while smiling.

"How was the trip?!" Jane smiles.

"Amazing!" Max smiles back. "I have so many pictures and videos to show you all it was awesome!" Max squeals. "Mike!" She holds her arms out. "Bring it in brother."

"I'm not your brother." Mike gets done buttoning up his shirt.

"Hug me!"


Will Jane and Lucas look at how Max goes to run towards him before tackling him down on the bed, Mike trying to get up but Max just hugs him. "They have a weird relationship." Will says to Lucas.

"I see." Lucas says simply with his hands in his pockets.

"Will get your freaking friend off of me!" Mike says.

"Oh you know you missed me!" Max smiles as she gets up. "Come on who's ready to see pictures?!"

"Me!" Jane smiles brightly, her and Max going to quickly leave out of the room.

Mike huffs out with his eyes closed. "You guys have no idea how hard I've been for this winter break."

"Ugh man gross!" Will scrunches up his face.

"What do you expect?!" Mike questions. "All winter break I had to be the emotional support because she was going through trying to find the right medications for her! Of course I'm not going to ask her during that time I would be a douche! But now we were in the mood about to get into things when you interrupted!" Mike points at Will.

"Hey I had to fulfill my besties wishes when she said she wanted to see you guys so I'm a great friend!" Will admits while pointing at himself. "Right Lucas?" He looks over at Lucas.

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