14th Chapter: Gifts and Surprises

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And more stares.

Will and Max look between each other and Jonathan and Nancy to try and formulate what to try and say in this moment since they have been caught red handed, while Nancy and Jonathan both stare at Will and Max with crossed arms.


This is awkward.

"Max!" Nancy exclaims. "What are you doing here? Were you ease dropping on us?!"

"Okay wait a minute!" Will waves his hands a little bit. "First of all you kept saying how this was a incognito mission yet you didn't silence your phone?!" He looks over at Max.

"I'm sorry incognito mission?" Jonathan says.

"Well I'm sorry I didn't think Chance would call me!" Max defends.

"He called you?!" Will smiles. "He's so hot."

"Yeah but eh." Max shrugs.

"Hey!" Nancy snaps her fingers.

"Okay yes fine we were caught red handed yeah we were spying on you but you can't pretend that you both weren't caught red handed either." Max motions towards them.

"Like this is literally shocking!" Will says while motioning with his hands. "You guys don't even talk to each other now you guys screwing each other?"

"Yeah honestly I wasn't expecting this." Max motions.

Nancy sighs out a little while her hands go to the top of her head in stress, Jonathan rolling his eyes lightly with his hands being in his pockets. "You guys shouldn't have come here."

"So you are having sex with her when you know she is with Steve?" Will directs at Jonathan.

"And you are having sex with Jonathan when you are with Steve?" Max directs at Nancy, her eyes widening a little bit in realization. "Oh my god! That is why I couldn't find you anywhere during my party! Were you both having sex during the party?! Oh my god!"

"Jonathan!" Will scolds.

"Oh come on don't give me that bullshit." Jonathan waves off. "You can't tell me hey she has a boyfriend because quite honestly I don't give a damn about what Steve thinks or says."

"Well damn." Max says to herself, Jonathan just sending her a glare. "No please don't kill me." She hides behind Will.

"Just listen!" Nancy waves her hands irritably. "Yes fine it's true we've been sleeping together!"

"Which is wrong Nancy what about Steve?" Will questions.

"To hell with Steve!" Nancy exclaims, Will and Max's eyes widening a little from the sudden outburst. "God it's infuriating! He spends most of his day looking and chatting up girls and he doesn't even care about how I feel about it! I go to him multiple times telling him how it makes me feel but what does he say?! Oh Nance you're overreacting just relax I'm not even doing anything it is not like I am touching them." She mocks in a deep tone. "How is that right how is that right towards me?!"

"So yeah during the party I got pissed because he was doing the exact same thing and every time I try telling him about it he dismisses me!" Nancy says madly.

"Okay then why stay with him? Why cheat just break up with him." Will says.

Nancy crosses her arms a little bit, her looking down a little bit. Jonathan scoffs a little bit with a chuckle, him shaking his head.

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