61st Chapter: Traumas

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Max sits on the hospital bed with a thick blanket being wrapped around her body, her now wearing a simple white long sleeved shirt and white long night pants that the hospital gave to her, her blank tired eyes looking as the doctor goes to shine the small light in her eyes.

"How is she doc?" Sam questions, everyone being in the room with the exception of Lucas and Erica, Lucas being in the other hospital room with Erica as she gets stitched up.

"Just a mild concussion it seems like." The doctor responds while going to stand up from his crouched position in front of Max. "I wouldn't recommend her walking to much on her left leg right now because of the injury. Her side is fine too, she just needs to get some rest and let herself heal, but other than that is fine. Definitely don't let her drive because she has a concussion, but other than that she is completely okay."

"Thank you." Susan says, the doctor nodding before going to leave out of the room. Susan goes to sit down besides Max along with Sam, Sam rubbing her back softly.

Will goes to crouch down in front of her, him taking her hands. "Max I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry I should've known I'm sorry."

Max just looks down a little as she sniffles, her sending Will a soft smile. "You couldn't have known."

"I know but....still." Will says.

"Max we're so sorry." Nancy tells her. "We should've known something was going on ahead of time."

"We should've too." Sam rubs his face lightly. "I don't know what would've happened if...Lucas didn't come to us."

Max looks over at Sam. "Lucas came to you both?"

"Yeah he was the one that knew something was wrong." Sam replies.

"See now do you all see?" Max cries while looking between them both. "If Lucas was the killer why would he do that? He isn't bad, he saved me me and Erica both of them did. I probably wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for them."

"We know Max." Sam softly rubs her hand. "And we are thankful to them."

"We are." Susan agrees.

Max looks up when she sees Lucas and Erica come inside of the room, Erica moving her arm a little bit as she holds her shirt, her just being in a black sports bra, her going to slowly put it on.

Holly goes over to her. "Are you okay?"

"Don't do that." Erica shakes her head while putting on her shirt. "Don't pity me I'm fine."

"Well....I heard you were badass." Holly smiles at her.

"I'm always badass." Erica comments.

Holly smiles at her softly, Erica getting done putting on her shirt as she brushes herself lightly.

Lucas goes over to Max, him crouching down in front of her and going to feel her forehead, feeling her head kind of hot. Max closes her eyes softly from the action, Lucas going to inspect the back of her bandaged head. "Is it a concussion?"

Max nods her head softly. "Only mild."

"I'm so glad this is finally over." Jane softly cries.

Steve comes inside of the hospital room along with Hopper, him going to crouch down in front of Max. "Max I'm so so sorry, I didn't know it was her I didn't know she would do that I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry I didn't know."

"You didn't know Steve." Lucas tells him.

"God she...." Steve trails off while shaking his head.

"Max." Hopper starts. "I got Steve's statement but do you feel up to giving your statement tonight?"

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