4th Chapter: Sportsmanship

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"Alright that is it for the first day! Everyone have a good day and don't forget to submit the homework it does count for a grade! Let's not start off the school year with zeros already."

Max goes to stand up from her chair, her going to put her laptop in her red purse, her humming a little as she goes to put her AirPods in her ears.


Max turns, her rolling her eyes when she sees Peter smile at her. "Peter, don't you have another girl to run down with your bewitching horrid looks?"

"Oh come on don't be like that." Peter smiles. "I like this little outfit you have on."

"Oh I know everyone does, every single outfit I wear is amazing. And you still look like farmer brown with those jeans on." Max puts her purse over her shoulder. "Good day!" She shrugs.

"You know you always play hard to get, but I know you like the attention." Peter follows her out of the class.

"I like the attention of cute guys. Guys that actually make me wet and with you I am as dry as she Sahara dessert." Max smiles at him. "You may fit in that category for girls with low self esteem and low standards but hi I am Max Mayfield. I have incredibly high standards which means I don't like typical, and you Peter Parker are typical. Actually I can't compare you to Peter Parker because Peter Parker is definitely hot and you are....not." She motions.

"Max I need a ride my car is in the shop let's go!" Will goes to put an arm around her.

"I rather date Will and he's gay." Max shrugs. "Come on best gay!" Max turns on her heel and goes to walk away.

"Was that Peter again?" Will walks besides Max.

"Yes and he is quite persistent." Max replies, both of them making their way down the hallway.

"Yeah he is, he's kind of cute though." Will looks back at Peter.

"Ugh don't stoop yourself down for such low ass trash best gay, that makes my heart very much sad." Max says, both of them going to make their way outside.

"Well easy for you to say you have every dude whistling cat callings to you." Will looks around, seeing how almost every guy looks at Max. "It's almost like their dicks are jumping up in excitement for you."

"Well if that is the case it shows that most of Hawkins High boys have nothing considering the fact I see no tent in the crotch area." Max says, her going over to her red plush car and her going to get in the drivers side, and Will getting in the passenger side. "Besides you know I prefer black guys. I'm telling you after Darrell Sophomore year I will never switch back. God I miss that man. He was really good with his fingers." She says while cranking up the car.

Will laughs. "Black guys huh? So you wouldn't be interested in a particular dark chocolate Bachelor that just came into town then?" He teases.

"The only thing I am interested in from that man is that jewelry I know he isn't getting from the US." Max says while she drives.

"Yeah I know that car isn't from here. God that car was so beautiful." Will leans back while going to close his eyes.

"And hell who knows maybe if I get a little close I can find out where he is doing his little business dealings for the jewelry and...buy out his buyers." Max smiles mischievously at Will. "And in the meantime buy out him. Nothing personal, just business."

Will laughs. "You Max Mayfield are a devil."

"Red is my color." She smiles before looking back ahead of her at the road. "Don't get me wrong the guy is a total smoke show, but girls who crowd around him are the whores of the school lining up for his dick like how little kids line up for trick or treat, I don't need it, I just need my jewelry."

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