43rd Chapter: Insider Assistance

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3 Weeks Later.....


"The town of Hawkins Indiana is in a continuous uproar as no suspect is taken into arrest for the Eat the Rich killings occurring in the city. The last suspect was taken out of holding two days after he was arrested, Billy Hargrove."

Billy smiles as he makes his way down the stairs, the cops all stopping the angry protestors from moving past the blockers being placed in front of them.

"The town is upset due to the killings, feeling that the chief is not doing his upmost diligence to catch this killer. Some in the city fear that Joyce Hopper will not do enough as Mayor either, seeing as how two kills occurred while she is in position, causing for Sue Sinclair to have more votes as of right now."

Sue smiles as her and Charles clank their wine glasses together, her being seated on his office desk while he sits at his chair, both of them beginning to drink their wine.

"The curfew still has been implemented, and many have been arrested due to protests occurring after the curfew hours that citizens of the town are not abiding by. This town that was once peaceful, is turning into absolute chaos.

Hopper shuts the TV off with the remote, him being in his office standing behind his desk, Lucas being seated in the chair in front of his desk.

Lucas sees as Hopper goes to throw the TV remote across the wall, Lucas looking simply at the action as a loud thud is heard followed by the batteries falling out and the remote breaking in half. "That was a perfectly good remote."

"I don't give a damn about the remote!" Hopper yells.

"You're letting your anger control you." Lucas says simply.

"Damn right I'm angry!" Hopper points at himself while yelling. "People think I am incompetent and I am not doing my job!"

"Calm down."

"I won't calm down!" Hopper yells, Lucas rolling his eyes. "You said that soon we would have proof that way I can get a warrant of the Angels of Death's arrest including the one we had to let walk out of here in front of everyone and Karen! If she is even apart of this!"

"She is." Lucas simply responds. "Like I said you have to be patient, I am waiting for my source to get the information."

"Yeah well your source is taking to damn long!" Hopper tells him firmly.

"If you want to find whoever is doing this you need to keep a leveled head." Lucas tells him. "Yelling and throwing stuff has never solved anything."

"Well I'm sorry that a whole goddamn city is depending on me to find whoever this is!" Hopper motions. "I could've arrested Billy with the pictures you had given me!"

"That would've solved nothing. That would still leave Karen out in the world as well as the rest of the group, we need them all arrested." Lucas mentions.

"Then when is that going to happen?" Hopper leans his hands on the desk.

"I have some sources speeding up the process." Lucas nods.

"Argyle! You're taking to damn long!" Max tells him in a stern tone, her Jane and Will being in a hotel room along with Argyle, him being seated in a chair.

"I'm trying okay! But as I told you guys the computer is in the office and Billy is always in the office and I have to wait until he is out of the office and I know he is going to be out for a long time to go in there and get you all the files and proof you all need!" Argyle explains quickly.

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