16th Chapter: Little Reveals

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Mike laughs while he talks to four other guys on the football team, all of them being seated together in their classroom while everyone works on different things, the teacher allowing them to talk while they work.

"Are we ready for the game on Friday?" One of them question.

"Yeah absolutely!"

Mike looks down at his phone when it repeatedly begins to go off, him looking at the messages coming through from multiple people.

Will: Mike! Jane has been arrested.

Max: Mike answer your damn phone dammit something happened with Jane.

Nancy: Urm...Mike. Look at Instagram.

Holly: JANE! AH! Don't worry she look good in cuffs tho ;)

Mike looks at his messages in confusion, him shaking his head a little bit. He hops up on the table, him beginning to scroll through all of his messages.

"Oh my god!" One girl exclaims while looking at her phone.

"Inside voices!" The teacher scolds.

"Jane Hopper has just been arrested." She says.

Gasps can be heard all around the room, Mike seeing as students begin to show other students their phones while looking at the video in either shock or with hushed laughs, most eyes glancing over at Mike.

Mike takes the phone from the girl, his eyes widening when he sees how Powell cuffs her, and how she cries as Powell takes her away, how she cries for Hopper...

How she cries for him.

Mike shakes his head slowly while looking at the video, his jaw clenching at how Hopper just stands there while she is being arrested. He slowly gives the phone back to the girl, her looking at him in concern while she slowly takes it.

"Mike?" One of the guys question. "You good dude?"

Mike goes to grab his bag, him putting it over his shoulder and him going to go over to the door.

"Hey! I didn't give you permission to go!" The teacher stands up, Mike just opening the door and leaving out of it. "Mister Wheeler!"

Mike quickly goes over to one of the exit doors, him quickly finding his truck and going to get inside of it, him cranking up his truck before going to leave out of the school parking lot.

Hopper goes to put a file down on the desk. "Process this please." He says to the cop, him nodding his head.

Joyce and Josephine make their way inside of the station. "Hop!" Joyce calls out, Hopper looking over at her. She motions for him to come here, him nodding while motioning for her to wait a second. "Josephine put all my meetings on hold for now."

"Yes Ma'am." Josephine answers.

"And stop calling me Ma'am." Joyce looks at her.

"Sorry it's habit plus I'm nervous for you. How could they arrest Jane?" Josephine questions confused. "And Robin that girl is to bubbly to hurt anyone."

"That's what I'm trying to find out." Joyce replies, Hopper finally going over to them. "Hop what is going on? Why is Jane being detained?"

"Here come here." Hopper brings her and Josephine to a secluded part of the station, him looking around a little bit before looking back at Joyce.

"I'll give you guys some time. Joyce I will put all of your meetings on hold." Josephine nods.

"Thanks Jose." Joyce tells her, Josephine nodding before going to one of the waiting room chairs to sit down, her opening up her mini laptop.

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