51th Chapter: Runaway

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1 Week later......


Lucas lays on his stomach in his cell, him sharpening the end of his toothbrush, him being in a white T shirt that now fits in snug like because of the more muscle he is growing, him being in orange prison pants, him having the different letters sent to him by Max and the others, all of them already being read.

He goes to pick up the one from Max, him already reading it a bunch of times but him going to read it again.

Lucas I am so so so sorry. Why did you accept the plea? Me and Erica had it all handled. You didn't have to do that. Now I feel bad because I feel like you are in there because of me! You can't do ten years in prison for something you didn't do. We will figure something out, for now just please hang in there, I promise I will figure something out, and I hope to see you soon.

Please hang in there, please be safe.


Lucas goes to put down the letter, him going to wrap up all of the letters before putting it under his mattress.

He looks behind him at his cell door when the loud buzzer goes off, letting them know it is breakfast time. Lucas goes to stand up, him putting his sharpened toothbrush in his pocket before going to stand in front of his cell door.

After a minute his cell door opens, him going to stand in the line of prisoners before they all begin to move on the guards command, all of them going to the cafeteria and going to make their way through the line as they grab a tray and hold out their trays for the food to be put out on their tray, them going to sit down after they get to the end of the line.

Lucas goes to sit down alone at the end of a large table, him going to begin to bland oatmeal and eggs, him going to take two big bites of the hard bread on his tray as well.

He closes his eyes as he rubs his forehead a little bit, him knowing he has a cold and fever because of him working out so much and hard in the cold, him coughing occasionally and his nose feeling congested, him rubbing his forehead a little more that is hot and pounding.

"Hey Lucas." Mitch goes to sit by him, putting his tray in front of him. "Mind if I sit here?"

"Be my guest." Lucas replies simply.

"You sound stopped up, are you sick?" Mitch questions.

"Not really a morning person Mitch." Lucas comments.

"Right, sorry." Mitch responds, him looking around a little bit. "So umm....at least they give us some game time here. To play some cards, shoot some hoops, I mean the oatmeal isn't bad."

Lucas continues to eat simply, him just looking straight ahead of him as his head pounds. A lot of things run through his mind while Mitch continues to talk on and on. He knows he screwed himself over basically when he took the plea deal, him knowing nothing much cannot be done.

So he knows he is going to have to tell Erica and Max that it is nothing that they can do now, because he doesn't want them running their brains wild trying to figure out things that is not going to change anything. He knows that will be hard, with Erica her just being stubborn.

But Max...

He has come to learn that he hates it when she cries, at least when she cries in a bad sad way. The way the sadness is just shown all over her face, the way her bottom lip quivers, the way she always shakes in fear as she does.

He doesn't like it.

"But if you like poker we can do that. Or better yet do you know how to play Gen? It is pretty simple." Mitch rambles.

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