41st Chapter: Tonight we rest, Tomorrow we fight

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Nancy lays in the bed in one of the rooms to the house they are now staying in, it being one of their grandparents places in the city. She has her AirPods in her ears, music playing full blast in her ears while she lays lightly curled in the bed. Her mind just takes this time to process the news, her honestly not even knowing what to feel in this moment.

Nancy raises up a little when she hears a knock on the door, her slowly taking out her AirPod from her ear. "Mike?"

"It's me Nancy." Karen answers from the other side of the door.

Nancy doesn't respond, her just slowly going to lay back down on her side.

Karen sighs a little to herself when Nancy doesn't respond. "I made some food downstairs, you should really eat."

"I'm not hungry." Nancy simply responds.

Karen closes her eyes a little. "I know you and Mike are mad okay? I know Holly is too. But tomorrow we should really come together and talk. We really shouldn't distancing ourselves from each other."

Nancy still doesn't respond, her just looking straight ahead of her with a tired and blank expression.

"I'll let you get some sleep, it's late and it's been a long day. Goodnight." Karen says. "I love you."

Nancy goes to put her AirPod back in her ear, her just hugging herself lightly.

Karen closes her eyes while she sighs once again, her going to leave from her room door and make her way downstairs.

Nancy wipes the lone tear that leaves her eye, her looking down at her phone when it rings. She raises up a little, picking it up and looking at the unfamiliar number. She slowly clicks on the accept button, her having her AirPods still in her ear. "Hello—"

"Hello! This is the East Lake City county jail. An incarcerated individual with the name of—"


"Is requesting to reach you. If you wish to accept this call please press one. Or if not, please press two." The automated voice says.

Nancy's eyes widen, her going to click on the number one and beginning to follow the prompts, her getting done after a minute and going to hold her phone in her hand. "Jonathan?"

"Hey Nancy." Jonathan greets in a tired tone.

Nancy wipes tears from her eyes, her going to lean her back on the headboard and on the pillows, bringing her knees up. "It feels like forever since I last saw and talked to you."

"Yeah." He replies. "I heard about what happened with Ted."


"Hopper came up here today, to check on me." Jonathan replies. "As soon as he flashes his badge everyone just does what he says."

"Jonathan why haven't you called Will? Or Jane? Or your mother? They are worried for you." Nancy says.

Jonathan sighs a little bit, him wiping his tired eyes. "Because I needed time to think and get my shit together."

Nancy nods her head a little bit. "Jonathan for what it's worth I'm sorry. It's my fault you are in there—"

"It's fine I really don't want to talk about it." Jonathan interrupts.

"Okay." Nancy softly says. "I'm glad you called."

Jonathan looks down a little bit, him being seated on a hard bench with jail suit on. "I'm sorry about your Dad."

"Yeah." Her voice lightly cracks. "Honestly I don't even know how to feel."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because he was an asshole." Nancy shakes her head. "He was lazy he never helped mom with anything when she asked it was always her doing everything and with the gardens he took credit for hard work Kim and Holly put in." Nancy explains. "And he was also cheating on her."

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