42nd Chapter: Protests

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Max and Lucas lay in bed together, the lights being off in the room with the curtain drapes closed and blinds closed as well, leaving just the TV light being the only light in the room, it already being morning time.

Max lays on her back while she kisses Lucas, her being laid on her back while Lucas is on his side, bringing her more in closer. Her hands are on his cheeks, one of her arms going around his neck. One of Lucas arms are around her making his hand be on the small of her back, her back sometimes lifting off of the bed from him pulling her in closer. His other hand trails up and down the side of her thigh, going to pull her leg in closer.

Max smiles with her eyes closed when Lucas begins to kiss her neck, her hands sliding down his shoulders slowly as he kisses down the front of her neck. She goes to reach for the blunt on her notebook, her going to put it in between her lips and inhale before exhaling the smoke, going to hold it in front of his mouth.

Lucas puts his lips on the blunt, closing his eyes as he breathes in and him holding his head up a little bit as he exhales, his eyes remaining closed while Max goes to kiss the side of his neck.

Lucas goes to lean his body down more on her, her exhaling her smoke while her other hand lets her nails rake up his bare back. She goes to hold the blunt in front of his lips again, him inhaling before going to pull her head back by her hair, her breathing a light sound as his lips trail down the side of her neck, slowly blowing out the smoke on her neck before going to graze his teeth against her skin.

Max's eyes close while her mouth parts lightly, feeling how he lightly bites the spot on her neck before sucking on it, his hands feeling down her soft sides down to the sides of her thighs.

Lucas brings her head back to where she is looking at him, her sending him a cheeky smile while going to put the blunt in between her red lips, her going to exhale the smoke on his face while he leans forward, him smiling at her before going to kiss her when she takes the blunt from her mouth.

Max holds the blunt in between her fingers while she kisses him back, her other hand being on his rage bicep. Between the deep kiss and the high of the blunt it sends her into a whole new different kind of high that she likes, him kissing the skin from the side of her neck to her collarbone.

Her head turns to the side while he kisses up the side of her neck, her going to inhale once again before blowing out the smoke slowly, her bringing his head back in for a deep kiss.

Lucas kisses her back just as deeply, him going to slowly take the blunt from her. He goes to inhale the last of it before tossing the used blunt in the trash can, him slowly letting his hands drag up her arms before interlocking their fingers together, holding her arms up at either side of her head, slowly blowing out the smoke on her parted lips before going to bring her in for a deep rough kiss.

Max hums a little in his mouth, one of her arms going around his neck while her other hand slowly goes through his thick black hair, her lightly scratching through it, the action making Lucas groan deeply in her mouth, the warmth of his body heat making her shudder, her legs lightly going around his waist.


Max groans in complaint with her eyes closed while Lucas reaches for his phone on the nightstand, him dismissing his ten AM alarm. "Do we really have to start the day?"

"Yes." Lucas replies while getting up, Max pouting while he pulls her up by her arms.

"But I don't wanna." Max pouts.

"We already decided to skip school." Lucas starts while going to put on his pants. "Can't skip our detective work either."

"Yeah I know." Max replies. "I guess I am procrastinating doing the whole apology thing to my parents, because I have never done that before."

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