48th Chapter: Visitations

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1 month later........


"Come on ladies hurry up! These clothes will not wash and dry and fold themselves!" The guard says, slapping his Paton against the wall.

Tables are around the dingy room, washer and dryers being around the different walls. Lucas folds multiple clothes, him piling them up neatly on the end of him after he is done, him being in a orange jumpsuit with the upper half being down, revealing his white muscle shirt that he has on under.

He can feel eyes on him, him lightly turning to look behind him to see two guys already looking at them, them laughing and talking to each other while looking at him. Lucas turns back to look ahead of him, seeing two other guys looking at him as well.

A guard goes over to the other guard, them talking before both of them go to leave out of the door, them standing outside while talking.

Lucas watches as some of the guys go to stand in the corners, Lucas watching as four the the guys l that was looking at him begin to surround him.

Lucas slowly goes to put down the shirt slowly that he was folding, him going to look at each of the four guys. "I already told you all, I'm not cutting anyone's wrists for not joining you alls... posse." He motions.

Some of the guys in the room begin to laugh and snicker a little while glancing around.

One of the guys pop his wrist a little bit while looking at him. "Then your wrists are next then."

"It's that all you want to do? Cause trouble? Is your life that shallow." Lucas motions.

"Bitch what did you just say to me?" He comes up in Lucas face.

"Get the hell out of my face." Lucas sneers.

The man goes to punch him, Lucas back slamming against the table making him grunt. Lucas quickly gets off of the table when the man tries to punch him again, Lucas grabbing his head and going to slam his head against the table two times. The guy groans in pain while holding his broken nose.

Lucas grunts and tries to fight off the guys that grab him by his arms and pull him against the wall, both of them holding his arms against the wall, Lucas trying to break free from their grip.

The guy slowly goes over to Lucas while chuckling, Lucas sneering a little at him. "You should've just done what I said boy."

Lucas grunts repeatedly when he begins to punch him multiple times in the stomach, Lucas screaming out when he punches his stab wound making it puncture open lightly, one of the other guys putting his hand over his mouth, the guy repeatedly punching him in the stomach still.

"Hey!" The guards come back inside of the room, the prisoners quickly putting their fronts to the wall with their hands behind their backs, the guy hitting Lucas just smiling while putting his hands up, one of the guards going to cuff him.

Lucas slumps down on the ground, him slowly going on his side and him spitting out blood, him clutching onto his stomach.

"Come on Sinclair." The other guard helps him up. "You really have to stop talking back."

Lucas grunts a little in response, the guard helping him out of the door.


Ashlyn gets done bandaging Lucas wound, them both being in the medical room of the prison, Ashlyn being seated on the stool with Lucas being laid on the bed on his back, his shirt being off revealing his bruises.

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