62nd Chapter: Business Moves

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A few weeks later........


The loud buzzer sounds, all of the cell doors going to open and all of the women prisoners going to line up. Josephine specifically comes out of her cell in ankle and wrist cuffs, her hair being pretty much all over the place, her going to stand at the end of the line.

"Why does this one have cuffs?" The guard questions.

"Because she's a crazy one." The guard lightly pushes Josephine, Josephine just looking straight ahead of her. "Injured three and killed one in here. She isn't allowed without them when she comes out of her cell. Keep an eye out for her."

"Got it." The other guard replies. "Alright come on let's go!"

"Not you." The guard says while coming up behind Josephine and grabbing her arm roughly. "Let's go."

Josephine walks where he leads her, them soon enough making it to a private visitation room, the guard pushing her in, Josephine looking around the room before looking back at the guard. "Is it my son?"

The guard just simply closes the door, Josephine huffing out with a eye roll. She plops down on the chair in front of the table, it being a chair across from her, her just looking around a little as she leans back simply in the chair.

Josephine looks towards the door when it opens. His dark brown eyes meet hers as she shuts the door behind him, him being in black suit pants and a gold buttoned up silk shirt with collars being neatly down, his golden watch being on his right wrist, two golden rings being on his middle fingers. His shirt is neatly tucked into his pants, a golden Gucci belt being in the loops of the pants, with a nice black fading tie with a gold tie clip on as well, his shoes being polished and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

"Lucas Sinclair." Josephine smiles.

Lucas looks at her with a stoic expression, him going to round the table before going to lean his bottom against the table while his hands are in his pockets, him being right besides her. "Josephine."

Josephine smiles while leaning back more in her chair. "You're not afraid of me."

"Why would I be?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Eh well...most people are since they now know me you know." She shrugs. "So how may I be of your assistance? Since you are coming in here in all of your black and gold glory."

"I'm just waiting until someone gets here." Lucas simply replies. "But I just came here to let you know that first you did not succeed when it comes to your...whole cleansing act, it's over." Lucas tells her. "And secondly as you did to Max, you are going to feel that exact same pain."

Josephine laughs a little bit. "I mean I won't fight you about the second one I know you can bring anyone in here to hurt me, you have all the money in the world now." Josephine looks at him with a smile. "But you're different." She says, Lucas just looking at her. "You now own everything your parents did and instead of keeping it...you're giving it away to the rightful owners."

"It's the right thing to do." Lucas responds.

"Yes but there's still....something about you." Josephine motions with her hand. "I can't put my finger on it, but you're....peculiar."

Lucas hums a little bit simply, him just going to lean off of the table.

"And the first thing!" Josephine says making Lucas turn back to look at her. "This isn't over Lucas."

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