55th Chapter: Transporting

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Max groans a little bit as she turns over, her quickly turning off the alarm that way it won't wake Lucas, him being sound asleep on his back. Max goes to cover his lower body more, her trying not to eye the tent in his boxers.

After she gets done covering him she goes to slowly make her way out of bed, her going to grab some clothes before she goes to get in the bathroom. She goes to take her shower, her going to leave out of the shower after she is done and her going to do her regular morning routine of things before getting dressed in a red jeans and a long sleeved black shirt and a red jacket and red boots that come a little above the knees.

She next goes to brush out her bone straight hair, her going to do her makeup of eyeliner and mascara and her lip gloss, going to apply a little foundation to her face.

She looks down at her phone, seeing the countless messages she left for Will being left unread, her sighing a little bit to herself as she sends another message, her going to put down her phone while her hands go against the counter, her going to look down while closing her eyes.

She feels so torn, because she knows that she has to do everything that she can to protect Lucas and make sure he isn't in harms way. What he did for her at the trial spoke volumes to her and she promised herself Friday when he came through her window vulnerable and needing help she was going to do everything she could.

But at the same time Will has been there for her through it all, and she feels completely terrible for not letting him in when he needed her. She knows she had to do it, but he still didn't stop it from making it hard for her.

Max almost jumps out of her skin while shrieking when her head comes up to see Lucas behind her, her seeing him through the mirror. "God you and Erica always do that to me! Why?!"

Lucas smiles at her, him going to brush his teeth and wash his face before he goes to put his arms around Max, him looking at her through the mirror while she applies more mascara to her eyelashes. "Do you have to go?"

"Yeah." Max responds, his lips going to her ear. "Erica is right I have to pretend everything is normal and if I stay home today it is going to stir suspicion."

"I understand." He replies.

"I already got you some food up here to hold you over there is a microwave and microwave cooked meals in the room across the way." Max begins to explain while his hands trail up her shirt a little bit. "Just stay up here don't risk going downstairs because I don't know if my mom has meetings today or not Mondays are kind of a hit and miss for her."

Lucas hums in response, his lips beginning to kiss the side of her neck.

"And....you have to be sure you check in periodically too and let me know when you have to hide too okay?" Max lightly breaths as he kisses her neck. "Lucas? Are you listening?"

"Yes." He responds.

"Lucas you're not...you're still injured." Max comments, feeling his rough calloused hands slide under her shirt, meeting her bare skin.

Lucas grounds himself against her, her front going against the counter making her hands go against the counter, him riding up her shirt more while his front grounds against her back more.

"Lucas...." Max tries, his teeth grazing against the side of her neck as he sucks on a spot, Max's eyes closing as her head falls back on his shoulder, her feeling as he pops open her button of her pants.

His hand slides under her jeans and panties slowly, her hands being at the ends of the counter, Lucas looking as her eyes are closed and her lips are parted, a pleasured expression being on her face as he rubs her clit, his feral breaths beginning to sound more as he begins to grind against him.

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