11th Chapter: Different Questions

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Max and Lucas both wake up to their alarms going off, Lucas going to roll on his back and him put his hands on his face before dragging his hands down his face a little bit, Max huffing out while beginning to throw a tantrum in her bed.


How they hate Mondays.

Max goes to get up, her going to go to her bathroom to begin brushing her teeth and washing her face. She follows her normal daily routine of using a face mask and letting it sit while going to paint her toe and fingernails red, her eventually getting done and using her electric mini razor to get off any hair from her face before going to moisturize her face, her going downstairs to begin to make herself a smoothie.

Lucas gets done rolling the blunt, him going to light it at the end before beginning to smoke, him holding the blunt between his lips as he goes to begin lifting the heavy bar that has weights at the end of the bar, music playing in the weight room as he lifts it up with his arms, him just being in basketball shorts.

Max breaths a little as she gets off of the treadmill, her going over to her pad and going to begin doing her stretches, her going to roll a blunt before lighting the end of it, her going to begin smoking lightly as she stretches out her limbs the best that she can, her doing the splits position before leaning her head back as far as it can go.

Lucas punches the punching bag hard, him wearing boxing gloves as he does. The light scars can be seen on his bare back as he punches the bag repeatedly, him frequently having to stabilize the bag before going to punch at it again.

Max finishes the last of her shake, her going to take a quick run outside before she goes over to her bathroom, turning her shower water on and stripping down before she goes to get in the shower, her beginning to bathe but her looking down when she sees a little bit of red trickling down the drain.

Letting her know she started her period.

Max just slowly brings her head back up, her just letting out a loud scream of frustration.

Lucas gets done smoking the blunt, him breathing out as his body is all sweaty. He goes to grab a towel before turning on the shower water, him going to get in the shower and begin to clean himself.

Max makes her way downstairs, her being dressed in a red floral crop top shirt with the sleeves hanging off of her shoulders, the floral top making some of her cleavage show. Her high rise red jeans come up to her hips, her belly button piercing still showing and her wearing a silver chain belt as well, her jewelry being on as well, with her wearing red opened toed heels with silver jewels at the front, her hair being in deep wavy curls down her back, some of her hair being cascaded down her shoulders.

She makes her way to the kitchen, her grabbing a plate and beginning to make her breakfast, Sam and Susan already being seated at the dinning room table, Susan being on her laptop and Sam being on his phone.

"Morning Max." Sam greets.

"Today is not a good morning." Max shakes her head while she goes to sit down. "I started my period." She pouts.

"No one cares to know that Max, especially at the dinning room table." Susan says with her eyes still concentrated on her computer screen.

"Well to bad you both know! Soon I'm going to be bloated!" Max pouts, her crossing her arms while huffing in frustration.

"You know what that tells you Max?" Sam questions while putting jelly on his toast. "That women have more endurance, they can power through the day with cramps and eggs shedding whatever that process is, and not complain about it, and make it seem as though it is easy."

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