8th Chapter: X-Eye

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Music plays in Max's room while she sits at her vanity, her wearing some red shorts and a red sports bra, her legs being tucked under her as she practices some eyeliner routines with her phone being propped up to the mirror, a YouTube video playing of a woman doing her eyeliner.

Max smokes the blunt that hangs a little out of her mouth, her hair being in a messy bun at the top of her head, a few strands of her ginger curly hair hanging free. Her forearm is rested against her vanity, her toned petite frame being exposed along with the silver shiny belly button piercing that she has.

Max takes the rolled up blunt from her mouth, her closing her eyes as she blows out the smoke from her nose and mouth at the same time, her feeling her mind beginning to calm down a little bit more, her beginning to feel more relaxed.

Max slowly opens her eyes to look at herself, her light red eyes looking into the mirror.

Max's eyes widen as she looks at the body on the bed, her letting out a loud scream while slapping a hand over her mouth.

Max puts the blunt back inside of her mouth, her going back to doing her eyeliner.

She almost jumps out of her skin when she hears a knock coming from her window, her looking across the room to see a hand waving at her, her scrunching up her eyes a little bit while trying to make out the face.

Max gets up from her vanity chair, her slowly inching closer to her room window, her eventually seeing Lucas wave at her lightly while he is crouched down a little bit, him ushering for her to open the window.

"What the...Lucas?" Max questions, him beckoning for her to open the window. "Alright alright I'm doing it." She says while clicking open the locks of the window before going to open it. "How in the hell did you get up here?!"

"There's a ladder at the end of the house." Lucas points, him going to climb inside of the window, him looking around a little bit when he makes it in. "Nice room." He motions.

"Okay but like the ladder is way over at the west wing of the place I'm on the east wing." Max says.

"Exactly." He responds.

"Okay....so you are like some parkour master and you are showing it off I guess." Max shrugs.

"Well...I did survive a life or death escape room." He says with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Okay you make a point there." Max replies, her going to close her window before turning to face Lucas. "Why are you here what do you want?"

"I wanted to check up on you." Lucas responds.

Max furrows her eyebrows a little bit, her looking at him with a confused expression. "Check up on me? Why?"

"Well...someone was murdered in your home, I imagine you feel uneasy, which is why you're smoking." He motions.

Max's eyes widen, her going to look down at the blunt in her mouth. "It...well that isn't..." she tries, her just sighing out while closing her eyes. "Yeah fine I smoke boo hoo."

"I'm not scolding you." Lucas says. "Plus I presume none of your friends asked if you were okay."

"They don't have to I'm fine." Max shakes her head.

"That's not the way friendship works." He replies.

"Well it's the way I like it." Max responds.

Lucas eyes go to the bandaids on Max's arm, his hand going to her arm and his large hand fully wrapping around her petite arm, her eyes going to his. "You were hurt."

"It's not even bad." She shakes her head.

Lucas looks up at her. "May I?" He motions towards it.

Max just shrugs in response, him going to slowly begin to take the bandaids off of the cut, her wincing a little bit in response.

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