2nd Chapter: Meeting the People

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A black Porsche pulls in front of the Mayor's office, the man going to stop the car.

Charles makes his way out of the car as soon as the doors get done lifting up, Charles buttoning up his suit jacket while going to round the car, the other door lifting up and him holding his hand out for Sue, Sue taking his hand while leaving out of the car, her arm going around his.

"Very nice office this is." Charles nods.

"Eh, I would make some improvements." Sue shrugs.

Charles smiles at her, both of them going to make their way inside of the office.

"Yes thank you." Joyce says before going to hang up the phone, the TV running in her office with a large window being behind her, all of the sunlight coming into the large office room.

"When are you going to show your handsome man some attention Joyce?" Hopper smiles while going to round her rather large desk, him being in his Chief of police Sheriff uniform.

"As soon as I get done with my daily task." Joyce responds while looking at her laptop.

"That is going to take hours." Hopper complains, him leaning on the desk a little bit.

"Then go back to work Hop. Don't you have things to do?"

"It's Hawkins yhe worse that happens here is jaywalking at night." Hopper laughs.

"Fine." Joyce turns her chair towards him, her going to stand up and lean her hand on the desk while the other one rest on her hip that is popped out. "Go get me lunch then."

"Or we can skip right to dessert." Hopper steps closer to her, bringing her closer with his hands being on her sides.

Joyce smiles, her going to kiss him when he kisses her. He picks her up and puts her on the desk, the kiss becoming more deeper as her hands go to his belt.

"Misses Hopper."

Joyce looks towards her telephone, her pressing the button. "Yes Josephine?"

"Sorry to interrupt you Ma'am but I have Mister and Misses Sinclair here requesting to speak to you in person. They don't wish to wait for an appointment."

"I see. Yes go on and bring them in thanks Josephine." Joyce says.

"Yes Ma'am."

"I keep telling her to stop calling me Ma'am." Joyce says after hanging up the phone. "Okay go on I have to talk to them."

"About what?" Hopper steps back.

"I don't know your guess is as good as mine." Joyce gets off of the desk.

"So the Sinclair's, the ones that made billions more after their kids endured a group of people kidnapping them and putting them in a life or death escape room." Hopper nods.

"Do not say that when they get in here, I imagine they don't want to talk about their kids almost dying." Joyce says.

"Here you all are." Josephine opens the door for Sue and Charles, them making their way inside. "Mister and Misses Sinclair it is my honor to introduce you both to the Mayor of Hawkins City! Misses Joyce Hopper! And also the Chief of police of the city Mister—"

"Yes we have meet before thank you Jessica that is all." Sue interrupts with a simple wave of her hand.

"It's Josephine—"

"Misses Hopper we personally wanted to come here and express our deepest thanks for the base of operations you gave to us." Charles mentions.

"Oh of course you're welcome." Joyce smiles.

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