24th Chapter: Pizza Party

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Robin groans in satisfaction as she eats her pizza, her other two slices being on her plate as she eats.

"Damn Robin that's your like third slice." Will says.

Robin looks down at her plate before looking back up at Will. "Will I've been in jail for the past two days eating nothing but dry sandwiches and boring chips, I'm hungry."

"Okay true." Will nods.

Robin groans again while chewing. "This pizza tastes like orgasm on ice."

Will's eyes widen a little bit. "I'm sorry what?"

"Robin!" Vicki scolds while playfully slapping her arm.

"I'm serious." Robin shrugs. "But nothing taste better than you." Robin smiles at Vicki.

"Okay I'm leaving." Will stands up.

Vicki laughs while covering her face, Robin shrugging while continuing to eat her pizza.

"Mayor! Fucking Mayor!" Susan exclaims in a harsh whisper, music being played in the backyard area going into the living room of the house, everyone being over at the Hopper's house since most were invited after the Town Hall meeting. Now Karen Susan Claudia and Joyce stand together with wine glasses in their hands, them being in the kitchen area of the house.

"So many freaking things happened in that meeting tonight." Joyce says while rubbing her face a little bit. "Max's outburst then Sue announcing that she is running for Mayor, and constant outburst on how the killer could either be Jane or Jonathan even though they were in jail when Edward was killed."

"But Max isn't wrong when she said people aren't thinking straight because of the fear they feel." Claudia mentions.

"But she is wrong supporting Sue." Susan shakes her head. "I'm sorry Joyce, you know I am in full support of you and the curfew you are about to implement."

"Thank you Susan." Joyce tells her.

"And if you find Max breaking the curfew arrest her ass."

Joyce chuckles a little while shaking her head. "Susan don't give her such a hard time okay? She's seventeen she's going to have her own opinions and viewpoints and sometimes it is not going to line up with ours. I'm not offended by it, I just want everyone to be safe I do not want a third victim."

"Exactly." Karen nods her head.

"Yeah but she's about to help Sue freaking Sinclair with her campaign!" Susan states firmly.

"Again she has her own viewpoint and choice." Joyce shrugs a little bit.

"Yeah well she's pissing me off." Susan mumbles, her going to drink more of her drink.

"Yay there she is!" Will smiles when he sees Max round the wall to come into the living room area, her being dressed in red high rise shorts and a long sleeved red crop top and high tops, her long curly hair being down her back.

"Hey." Max goes to hug him. "Tell me you stole some of your dad's alcohol?" She says in his ear.

"Hell yeah just come outside." Will smiles.

Max pulls away with a smile. "Just a second."

Max goes over to the kitchen area, her passing by Sam and Hopper who talk on the couch. "Misses Hopper." Max starts.

"Hey Max." Joyce smiles.

"Hey. Do you mind if we talk?"


Joyce and Max go over more into the kitchen in front of the stove area, Joyce putting down her wine glass. "What is it?"

"Look Misses Hopper I meant what I said, I have absolutely nothing against you nor do I hold any animosity towards you, I truly don't." Max starts. "It's just the fact that we have different opinions about what should be done in response to these killings."

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