56th Chapter: The Hideout House

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"Shit." Erica curses as she holds the phone to her ear, her and the others being in the large mansion house, most of them sitting down while some of them stand up. "How did his wounds open back up?"

"Because my dumbass mother opened my door to my room to have our handy-maiden clean it. So Lucas was on the roof for over an hour." Max answers, her looking back at him to still see him on the floor, clutching onto his stomach. "Just hang in there Lucas, hang in there."

"Are they all the way opened? Like are the stitches just broken?" Erica questions.

"Mostly but no not all the way." Max shakes her head, her looking back at him. "He's burning up though, I think his fever is getting worse."

"Max just make your way over here." Nancy tells her. "Keep your same speed be normal don't stir any attention to yourself."

"And give him something to put pressure on it." Erica adds in.

"Okay." Max looks around, her going to take off her jacket and hand it to Lucas. "Here Lucas, take this and put pressure on it."

Lucas takes the jacket, him going to begin applying pressure to his wounds, him gritting his teeth while a pained sound leaves him.

"Lucas I'm trying." Max says as she stops at a stop light. "Oh you got to be fucking kidding me."

"Abide by...traffic laws..." Robin trails off a little bit, everyone just slowly going to look at her. "Sorry."

"I know I am!" Max defends, her tapping her thumb against the wheel, her frequently looking back at Lucas. "Just hang in there Lucas, hang in there."

Lucas nods his head, him sweating more and more and his head pounding like crazy, the burning around his wounds becoming painful as well as the harsh sting.

It takes awhile but Max finally makes it around the woods area, her looking around as she drives slowly on the rocky road. "Okay I don't know how to get to the house from here."

"You are going to see like two little green bushes that are diagonal from each other." Holly begins to direct. "Are you seeing that?"

Max looks around, her spotting the bushes. "Yeah I see it."

"Perfect now you will make out a little path from there. Drive through that path and we will open the gate for you."

Max nods, her beginning to drive through the little path, her driving slowly because of the rocky road, the car shaking along to the driving. "We're almost there Lucas, we're almost there."

Lucas gets up from the ground of the backseat, him going to lay down on the seats. After some time Max is met with the gate, it going to open after a minute and close behind them, Max going to park in the large area where all of the other cars are.

Erica makes her way out along with everyone else, Max getting out of the car and opening the door to the backseat. "Okay, come on Lucas."

"We'll help." Mike says, him putting one of Lucas arms around him while Jonathan puts his other arm around him. "Hey man, it's nice to see you."

"Yeah." Lucas grits out a little bit.

Nancy holds the front door open, them helping Lucas inside. "Get him in one of the rooms." Nancy tells them as she closes the front door and locks it when everyone makes it in.

They open the door to one of the rooms of the place, them going to lay Lucas down on the bed, him lightly coughing while he sweats.

"Shit he's like burning up." Mike feels his forehead.

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