23rd Chapter: We will NOT be afriad!

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Jane stands in the glass large shower box, her having a disco shower head. She keeps the color setting on the dark blue light, the color just relaxing her more and lighting up the shower, the lights being off in the bathroom.

She slowly goes to untangle her hair, all of her long brown hair being down her shoulder as she runs her fingers through it, taking the kinks out of her hair. Her eyes are closed while she lets the hot water run down her head, her hand running down her face.

She leans her head back, her going to open her eyes to look at the blue lights on the shower head.


"Get off me!"

Jane's eyebrows furrow a little bit, her moving her hair from away from her face, her looking more at the blue light on the shower head.

Jane stumbles a little, the disco lights being all around the room, her looking around a little bit. "How did...how did I..."

"Shhh." Hands go around her waist, bringing her in closer. "It's okay, just relax."

"No..." Jane shakes her head, knowing it isn't Mike's hands. "No get off...."


"No! Get off!" Jane yells.

"Get it off get it off get it off!" Jane cries while scrubbing the blood off of her hands.

Jane jumps when she feels arms wrap around her, but her immediately relaxing when she recognizes them as Mike's arms. She leans back on him while her eyes go to close.

"I'm sorry." Mike tells her softly in her ear. "I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's okay." She softly says back. She looks over her shoulder at him, both of them smiling while looking at each other. "I've missed your dimples so much."

"I've missed your gorgeous face." Mike replies.

Jane smiles more at him, her going to kiss him softly, Mike kissing her back. After they get done in the shower Mike goes to dry off and put on his clothes. "I'm just going to moisturize and everything."

"Yeah take your time babe." Mike replies, him going to give her a soft kiss on her lips before leaving out of the door.

Jane softly smiles, her going to turn back to look at the mirror, her taking out all of her lotions and oils.

Mike goes to sit down in the chair in the room, him taking out his phone and clicking on Lucas contact before putting the phone to his ear.

Lucas walks down the sidewalk in town while his hand is in his suit pocket, him going to pull his phone out of his other pocket. He looks at the caller ID before putting the phone to his ear. "Yeah what's up Mike?"

"Hey man." Mike smiles. "Listen I just wanted to say thank you again for what you did Lucas. Truly I...I honestly don't know to repay you. I mean I can repay you literally."

Lucas chuckles a little. "Mike my parents are billionaires I don't need anymore money."

"Right." Mike laughs. "Lucas anything you need, like anything at all let me know I will do it."

"I might take you up on that." Lucas replies.

"Yeah anything you need just let me know." Mike says.

"Okay I'll talk to you after the meeting is done at Town Hall. You going to be there?"

"Yeah I will be."

"Good see you then."

"See you."

Lucas hangs up the phone, him putting it in his pocket before going to round the morgue area, him going to the back of the building and finding the back door before going to knock three times, then him stopping for two seconds then going to knock twice.

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