3rd Chapter: Layout of the Land

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"Thank you for the tour guide around the school." Lucas tells Max while they both walk down the hallway, most eyes being on them.

"A Alpha needs to know the layout of the land he will be at so no problem." Max responds.

"So I'm a Alpha now?" Lucas looks at her.

"Oh come on you're telling me you're a Beta?" Max raises her eyebrows.

"No absolutely not." Lucas shakes his head.

"Here in this school most people like to think they are Alpha and top dog when really they're Betas. The real Alpha's don't need to be told twenty four seven that they are Alpha's, they act." Max mentions.

"Finally someone who has a brain." Lucas says to her.

"Just so you are aware you are going to have a lot of brainless girls throwing themselves at you. Don't be such a prude enjoy it." Max shrugs with a smile. "Besides it's High School, a time to have fun. Let loose, before adulthood comes to bite us in the ass."

"You're not wrong." Lucas shrugs.

"And since being rich and reliable is all about connections, congratulations Lucas Sinclair." Max turns her body to face him. "I can be your first connection, and vise versa."

Lucas nods slowly, him holding out his hand for her to shake, her going to shake his hand. "Perfect. So as my connection let's just say I would want to get into some school files. Who would I need to talk to?"

"What are you trying to get into school files for?" Max questions, Lucas just quirking a brow at her. "Okay yeah no questions. Since teachers here are such prudes and have no life and fun so they decide to take it out on us your best bet is going to someone who is practically in and out of the office all of the time, in charge of some office duties."

"The Student body president. Jane." Lucas figures out.

"Exactly." Max points.

"She didn't seem to fond of me." Lucas mentions.

"She isn't just fond of anyone to quickly, even if you are a famous rich handsome survivalist man." Max says, her stopping at a classroom door. "But you seem like the kind of guy that likes to pick up his own weight, which is amazing because I won't be asking her for you, that's not how I operate."

"Not how I operate either." Lucas shakes his head. "Build your own operation to become your own person."

"Spoken by the amazing Sue Sinclair. Ugh her podcast are to die for! She gets me so pumped in the morning during my morning workouts like damn, now that's a hot mom. Yes she hot don't judge me." Max rolls her eyes.

"Okay then." Lucas says, him stopping in front of the classroom. "This it?"

"The pain in the ass such as Physics? Sure is." Max confirms.

"Alright thank you—"

"Oh my god Erica!" Two girls smile while going over to her.

"How many times do I have to tell you tramps?!" Erica turns around to face them. "I explore this den of a school then I find my minions, I don't need you all constantly hovering over me like a damn flying bee waiting for the next hive of honey! Get out of my FACE!" She says making them jump before slowly going away.

"I see you are letting people know of your charming personality." Lucas tells Erica.

"Who needs charming when you have bad bitch energy?" Max questions with a smile.

"You after my brother like these other tramps?" Erica raises her eyebrow.

"I'm definitely after his jewelry I know he isn't getting from the US." Max responds.

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