58th Chapter: Reveals

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Sue and Charles make their way down the long hallway of the business building, Sue's heels sounding against the tiled floor as they walk.

"One step closer to another amazing business in your name." Charles smiles at Sue.

"And many more to come." Sue smiles, them going to round the door and come inside of the conference room. "Hello Mister Smith!"

"Mister and Misses Sinclair!" Smith smiles, him going to shake both of their hands. "It is so nice to finally be in you both acquaintance!"

"Pleasure is all ours Mister Smith." Charles smiles while shaking his hand.

"I must say you both very much love you alls business." Smith says while going to sit down at one of the chairs in the conference room, Sue and Charles going to sit down across from him. "I know you both must be devastated with what is happening with Lucas right now."

"Yes, it's such a tragedy." Sue shakes her head with a hand on her chest, Charles going to take her hand. "He may have done a tragic thing but...he's still my son."

"I mean...I don't think he did it." Smith shrugs. "But I know we didn't come here to talk about that we came to talk business. And I am so glad you all called me with a partnership offer."

"Yes of course but we are wondering if we can make a little...slight change." Sue smiles.

"Okay, what's that?" Smith questions.

"With the partnership we would like to go fifty fifty." Sue smiles at him.

"Equality is key am I right?" Charles smiles.

Smith laughs lightly, him lightly playing with his pen. "That's a...large percentage. At first we were discussing ninety and ten."

"Yes however this business can go big places Mister Smith, and we both have the opportunity into taking it through so much more then you have now. You can go from being rich, to billionaires like us." Sue smiles.

"And rack up more clients as you get in a year." Charles adds in. "Basically we are promising you more funds, more business and more success for just a...little more of a percentage."

"Sounds like a good deal to me." Sue smiles.

"Well...yeah you both are very good business's owners very successful too." Smith says hesitantly. "It's just that...I don't know if I would be able to afford that...percentage."

"Smith our focus is on helping each other here." Charles motions.

"Which means it is no need to worry, we are going to be business partners, and business partners help each other out." Sue mentions. "I just want this business to flourish more than it already has. With this proposal it really can Smith."

"You use that same pitch for the other businesses you bought out?"

Sue and Charles look over towards Susan as she makes her way inside of the conference room, her being in a black blouse and dark blue pencil skirt and heels. "Susan." Sue glares. "This is a private meeting."

"Oh but that's the thing, I'm one of the board members here." Susan smiles, her going to sit down besides Smith, her crossing her legs while leaning back in her seat, her arms resting against the arm rests. "So give it to me Smith what are they offering?"

"A fifty fifty partnership." Smith looks over at her.

"That is way to big of a percentage of a first starter deal. I thought you both being professional business owners would know that." Susan motions towards them.

"We are just trying to better businesses." Charles smiles while his hands go up.

"By squeezing them out of money until they have no choice but to sell out." Susan mentions.

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