70th Chapter: Enjoy the Intermission

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Those are the expressions that are almost ever held on Lucas face, and that is the exact same expression as he has now as he looks into the mirror, no emotions being shown. He already wears his black trousers, the size showing how large and defined he is.

He grabs his gold buttoned up shirt from the counter, him eyeing the scratch marks on his forearms as he puts his arms in the sleeves, buttoning the buttons around his wrists before going to slowly button up his shirt.

The scars on his stomach he eyes, the older ones plus the recent ones from his injury, him getting done buttoning up his shirt and going to adjust the collar neatly. He goes to pick up his gold tie, going to neatly and effortlessly master the Windsor knot, him looking at himself as he brings the tie up to tighten it a little.

He concludes by putting on his black vest then his black belt, tucking his shirt into his pants and fixing himself before going to put on his black trench coat.

Erica waits by the front door on her phone, her being dressed in purple slacks and a black blouse and black heels, her box braids being in a high bun, purple braids being in her hair here and there. She looks up when she hears Lucas make his way to her, him grabbing his keys. "Ready?"

"Ready." Lucas answers.

They both leave out of the front door of the mansion, Lucas going to press the button on his key fob making the doors of his gold begin to rise up and open, Lucas getting in the drivers side and Erica getting in the passenger side, him closing the doors and cranking up the car before going to back out of the mansion as the gate opens, him beginning to drive after taking the car out of reverse.

A group of people are crowded around the Town Hall building, all of them beginning to cheer when the gold car pulls in the parking space in front of the building, the doors slowly opening and Lucas and Erica going to get out of the car, them beginning to walk towards the crowd to go down the path that leads to the Town Hall door, pictures being taken of them and microphones being turned their way.

"Lucas Sinclair over here!"

"Erica Sinclair!"

"What do you guys have to say in regards to your parents using this town for their drug operation?!"

"Did the same happen for New York?"

"Was this Lacychohidine their doing?"

"Everyone please make way!" Joyce calls out, police officers being behind her. "Make sure they stay out of their way."

"Yes Ma'am." The officers answer.

They all go to stand in front of the crowd, Hopper going to walk with Lucas and Erica. "You guys can just go in and go to the backstage area." Hopper instructs.

"Thank you." Lucas nods.

Hopper nods back at him, them all going inside of the building and Hopper leading them to the backstage area. "You guys will be called in a minute to come up on stage after everyone has arrived."

Erica and Lucas nod, Hopper going to leave from the backstage area.

Lucas goes to take off his trench coat and put it on the coat hanger, him picking up a small mini microphone and going to attach it to his vest.

Erica does the same with her microphone. "You are going to be good?" She raises an eyebrow.

"I'm always good." Lucas replies, him fixing his tie a little bit. "What happened changes nothing."

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