52nd Chapter: Playing Medic

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Normally Max hates it kind of when it thunders to loud to prevent her from getting any sleep, how the rain slaps so hard against her window, the tree next to her window sometimes slapping against her window making her jump awake on some nights when the weather is bad. Normally she would get a little irritated at it.

But not tonight.

Tonight she is thankful, because it cover ups the screams.

Lucas screams as Max leaves out of her leaning closet, her going to spread the blanket over the left side of her king sized bed, Lucas still being on the floor on his back, clutching onto his wounds making his hands bloodied.

"Just hold on for me Lucas hold on!" Max quickly says, her spreading out the blanket wide enough before quickly running over to him. "Okay...okay come on." She says.

Lucas screams when she pulls him up by his arm, him getting up and his arm going around her neck as he leans on her, Max leading him to the bed and him falling on the bed on his back, him being on the blanket.

"Okay, okay shirt off." Max's shaky hands go to take off his shirt, her hand going over her mouth when she sees the three stab wounds in his stomach. "Oh my god." She begins to cry.

"Max..." Lucas starts.

"I'm here Lucas I'm here." Max says.

"Knife...knife." He gets out. "Heated...knife."

"Heated knife what is that heated knife?" Max panics while questioning. "What am I supposed to do I don't know what to do Lucas I don't—"

"Heat up a knife." Lucas gets out. "The side...of a knife over a...stove. To stop bleeding."

"Okay, okay okay." Max nods her head. "Just....hold on I'll be back!"

Max quickly runs out of her wing, her closing the door behind her before she runs down the spiral stairs, her getting to the kitchen and taking out a kitchen knife before going to turn on the stove.

She looks behind her, making sure no one is around her. When the stove gets hot enough she goes to put the knife over the stove, her watching as the knife heats up, her quickly turning off the stove and going to run back upstairs with the knife.

She makes it to her wing, her going to close and lock the wing door before running the long hallway to her room, her getting back to Lucas. "Okay I'm back, I'm back what do I do?!" She quickly questions.

Lucas shaky hand points towards one of his stab wounds. "Put it...here."

"Put it on there?!"

"Max listen to me!"

"Okay okay!" Max quickly says, her shaky hand holding the knife and it hovering over his wound. "Okay I'm about to."

Lucas nods, Max going to put the side of the heated knife to his wound, Lucas screaming out loudly from the immense pain and burn.

"Shit I'm sorry!" Max quickly pulls the knife away, Lucas head slumping down as his hands shake. "Shit shit shit!"

Max looks towards her phone when it begins to ring, her going over to it to see Erica calling her, Max quickly answering it and her going to hold her phone against her ear with her shoulder. "Erica?!"

"Max did Lucas make it to you?" She questions while in the car with Robert, her being in the passenger seat.

"Make it to me?!"

"Yes did he?!"

"Yes!" Max answers. "Erica what in the hell is going on—"

"No time to explain he was stabbed three times in the abdomen area which is the worst area to be stabbed so you need to start treating his wounds immediately." Erica starts quickly. "I am going to walk you through it, you need to listen to me and do everything I say verbatim Max okay it is imperative."

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