50th Chapter: The Trial

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1 month later......


The guards stand around the courtyard area of the prison, the courtyard area holding two basketball courts on each side as well as some weight holders and bench presses machines and monkey bars, as well as bleachers on each side, guards being on the ground level and upper level watching the prisoners.

Lucas lays on the bench press bench on his back, him pulling the heavy weight up and down, circular heavy weights being at the ends of the bar. Lucas wears prison orange pants and a white muscle shirt, the shirt being sweaty with him either running around the courtyard area and lifting weights, him trying to do anything to rid of the pent in frustration and energy that he has.

For the past month it has just been consisting of him working out, eating horrible dry meals and getting into lots of prison fights due to not joining specific gangs and doing different tasks. It pisses him off, so much anger being inside of him but he knows he has to control his emotions.

He must admit it is not that much fights as it was when he first got in here, but it is still a lot, but some don know to not bother him because of him finding different things in his cell to make weapons out of to protect himself, and they weren't also banking on him knowing moves to defend himself.

Lucas holds the bar up and stops when he sees one of the guys stand over him, Lucas calling him Boomerang.


Because he just always keeps coming back.

Lucas goes to put the heavy bar on the holders, him standing up and going to stand right in front of him. "What do you want Boomerang?" Lucas wipes his hands.

"That ain't my name." He answers.

"Then why do you keep coming back to me like a little bitch?" Lucas says right in his face.

He punches Lucas, Lucas face going to turn to the side a little bit.

Lucas chuckles a little, wiping the light blood that trickles from his nose. "You punch like a bitch too."

When the man tries to punch him again Lucas grabs his arm before grabbing the back of his head by his hair and going to slam his head against the metal bar before pushing him down on the ground, the man hitting the ground limp.

Lucas puts his hands up simply when the whistles begins to blow, all of the prisoners raising up their hands and a guard roughly putting Lucas hands behind him.

"Back to the cell for you Sinclair, again." The guard sneers.

The guard leads Lucas to his cell, roughly pushing him in his cell before going to close the cell door. "Maybe if you stop getting into fights you can have your full time in the courtyard." The guard tells him.

Lucas just turns off from the guard, him sitting down on his bed. He goes to pick up his mattress and put it against the wall, him beginning to hit the mattress with his fists as hard as he can.


The shower water turns on, some of the prisoners being in the shower room, little stall doors covering their lower bodies. Lucas stands in his own shower room, letting the water pour on his face before going to use the bar soap to begin bathing himself.

"You're brave."

Lucas turns to look besides him, seeing Mitch one of the guys from his cell block. "I just don't take any shit."

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