54th Chapter: Holding Onto Promises

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Heart racing.

Max's heart race as she looks at both Powell and Hopper, her taking the search warrant that Hopper gives to her. She opens it up and looks at it, her heart beginning to beat a little faster.

"Can we come in?" Powell questions.

"Be my guest." Max stands off to the side, motioning for them to come in, her softly closing the door. "I have nothing to hide. But just make sure you all leave everything as you found it. My mom is a clean freak she likes her house a certain way."

"We won't mess up anything, thank you Max." Powell mentions.

"Powell start upstairs I got down here." Hopper mentions.

"Got it Chief." Powell says.

Max crosses her arms, her telling herself to calm down as she takes a little quiet breath. Lucas is smart, she knows he is and she knows he hid himself and he won't be found. That still doesn't stop her anxiety though, her heart racing more and more as she goes over to the kitchen, her cleaning up lightly and wiping down the counters.

Hopper goes over to Max, him standing besides her while taking the cigarette from his mouth. "Max. Do you know where he is?"

"Nope." Max pops the P, her folding a towel.

"Look Max I'm on his side okay. Look why else would you be making this much food, are you going to be eating all of this?" Hopper questions.

"Yes." Max turns to face him, her arms being crossed. "Some for leftovers too. It is the weekend so I only want to cook once and take a rest day and don't have to worry about cooking."

Powell goes to look around the large hall, him slowly getting to the door of the east wing.

Lucas goes to hide his duffel bag in Max's closet in a drawer, him making up the bed but having the blankets a little messy to make it look slept in, him going to quietly open the window before climbing out of it, him clutching onto his stomach lightly, him closing the window behind him and going to hide in the secluded corner, him lightly grunting a little as he holds his stomach more.

"Nice lie Max." Hopper replies. "You don't strike me as a teen that cooks."

"I don't give a damn what you strike me as." Max tells him sternly.

"So if I asked your parents if you regularly cooked would they say yes?"

"What do you want Hopper?" Max throws up her hands.

Powell makes his way through the east wing hallway, him going to open the door to every single room, seeing a makeup room, storage room, spare rooms. He finally makes it to Max's room at the end of the long hall on the left side, him coming in the room and him going to look around.

"I just want you to keep him protected." Hopper whispers. "Look this morning when I got in this was on my desk."

Max takes the paper that he shows to her, her looking at how the letters are cut from a magazine and glued onto the paper.

Maxine Mayfield. If you want to find Lucas, check there.

"Who did this?" Max questions.

"I don't know." Hopper shakes his head. "Look I don't know what was promised but even police from the outside and some from the prison are out for him."

Max shakes her head a little bit with her arms being crossed.

Powell continues to look around slowly, Lucas lightly gritting his teeth while clutching onto his stomach.

Powell lightly looks out of the closed window a little bit, Lucas putting his back more against the corner while clutching onto his stomach more.

"I just want to know that he is okay." Hopper replies. "Look he's done a lot to help me plus with getting Jane out of being transferred to jail. I want to help him I don't want him being found. I don't know what was promised to these police but they are diligent on finding him."

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