28th Chapter: Discussing Things

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Dustin knocks on the door, Suzie Vicki and Robin being behind him. "I don't know I've ever been to Max's place before." He comments.

"Why have we been summoned by her?" Robin questions.

"I don't know she just said come over it's important." Vicki reads the text message.

"It better be good, I planned on scouting the whole day." Suzie mentions.

"Scouting?" Dustin looks over at her.


Max opens the door to the house. "Hey guys, come in."

Lucas goes to put down a map on the Max's desk, everyone being circled around the desk. "As you all can see it looks like the Angels of Death all operate in this cities within this radius."

"Okay like quick question." Holly starts. "How do you know all of this?"

"I have sources." Lucas replies simply, him looking back at the map. "We go in groups or partners whatever, but we cannot be alone because this is a gang, which means they will be armed which means we have to be careful."

"And what exactly are we looking for?" Nancy questions.

"Okay they're here." Max says, her coming inside of the room along with Dustin Suzie Robin and Vicki.

"Oh wow everyone is here. What is the occasion?" Dustin questions.

"Finding the Angels of Death." Lucas replies.

"Angels of Death that weird ass gang?" Robin looks around.

"Yes exactly, and it can kill two birds in one stone." Lucas responds. "I do believe the Angels of Death have to do with the killings, most likely the killer is within the group also there is a specific drug going around among many that is killing off people. This drug was in New York, now it is coming here. It won't be long until it is available all around the world and everyone is dying from it."

"What drug?" Vicki questions.

"Lacycohidine." Lucas explains.

"Lacy what a dine?" Max questions confused.

"What is that the drug you think my mother is selling or something?" Holly questions.

"Among many yes." Lucas replies.

"Wait wait wait." Max waves her hands a little bit. "Karen Wheeler selling drugs?"

"I know right she can barely master a chocolate cake how is she going to cook meth or something?" Will shrugs.

"Hey she makes great chocolate cake!" Mike defends.

"If I'm wrong fine prove me wrong." Lucas says.

"Oh I will." Holly replies. "I refuse to believe that your source whoever that source is right, my mother would never and don't worry I am going to prove so, thanks." She nods.

"So what streets do we take what cities?" Jane questions.

"I have already divided the addresses equally." Erica says while she comes inside of the room.

"Erica?" Max questions. "How did you get in here?"

"Through the front door." She replies simply.

"Yeah but...it was locked." Max mentions.

Erica just shrugs. "Is that suppose to stop me?"

"Escape room I always forget." Max says to herself.

"Addresses all sent to your phones." Erica motions, everyone's phones all beginning to beep in notification.

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