Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

The twins are a few weeks old and Melody is back to her regular schedule. She started medical school and is also back to music lessons. Today is one of her music lessons. "Melody the music teacher is here."

"Thank you, Papa Charley. Can you watch the babies I have a Luna project at six thirty? The nannie has to go to her son's wedding."

"You know you have training in the morning with me. You are not skipping it."

"No, I agree with you, I need to defend myself and my pups if anyone wants to take them or us."

"Anthony called he has a meeting tonight also he wants you to call him and see if you two can meet up."

"He cleared his schedule to help train me tomorrow."

"Nope not happening, every time he helps, you cut practice short and wind up in your room. You tell him I said no."

"You are no fun," She tells him. Then she heads to the basement and music is heard as she plays for the teacher.

"Anthony you getting a nanny has been a blessing whenever I have to go to meeting it is nice to have the extra pair of hand. I am going to finish the last of the organizing of the new wing at the school. I will be home around six will you be home by then?"

"I doubt it I will be home by around 7 if it goes right."

"I better get going I will talk to you later. Oh Papa Charley said no helping me train he is putting his foot down."

"He forgets how it is to be young. I will see you tonight."

Luna I have the twins dressed and getting them a bottle made up."

"I packed their bag you take the bags and make up the bottles and I will bring them downstairs." Melody tickles their little bellies. "All ready, come on my little angels."

The meeting is in one of the conference rooms at the pack house. "Luna you have the babies with you, the pack loves that you bring them along. We get to know them and they get to know us."

"They love seeing pack members too, see their smiles. Interacting with all of you makes them happy and it shows on their faces."

"They have grown so much in just the last few weeks." Bethany says as she plays with them at the meeting. "I see you with them and I can't wait until I find my mate and have kids of my own."

"Bethany I want you to finish school first you are too good at what you do not to graduate." Her mother is a little controlling.

Bethany rolls her eyes, "I know mother now stop worrying. Luna Melody has pups and is going to school."

"She is right you, have a bright daughter she could handle it. I have faith in her." Her mother looks at Bethany and then the Luna and shakes her head knowing she wasn't going to win this argument.

"Let's call this meeting to order we have to finish the plans for the school and make plans the full moon run." The meeting lasted two hours, Melody was happy to get home. She knew tomorrow was going to be a long day even longer than today, her next plan was a hot bath and relaxing.

"Melody where are you?"

"Hush, Anthony you will wake the babies. I am in the tub relaxing."

Anthony's eyes get big and dark. Melody has her eyes closed resting when a naked horny Anthony was in the tub with her. To say she didn't rest that night would be very accurate.

The next day Melody was excited. "The new teacher will be here any moment. You know he is a talented musician, and he also writes music. Stephen Hughes is a well-known world-class pianist. The last composition he wrote was beyond anything composed in years."

"I know I heard it. When your teacher told you about him wanting to see you, you made me listen to it.

"I am a little nervous playing in front of this man. I'm sorry if I am a little jumpy."

"Little one, why are you pacing all over the place?"

"Papa Charley, this man can tell me if I am good enough or if I am just ok."

"Do you enjoy playing and making the music that has made us and this pack happy?"

"You know I do. I love to play and sing with the pack and for all of you."

"Then if he says you are just ok, what is the difference? We will be just as happy with things the way they are."

"You are right what difference does it make? If I make others happy as long as I make us happy. What would I do without my Papa Charley." Anthony comes in the front door with Mr. Hughes. "Good afternoon Mr. Hughes. It is a pleasure to meet you." Melody says with a small smile, trying not to bite her lip.

Mr. Carter starts the conversation, "I have told Mr. Hughes about you, he wanted to see for himself. I don't think he truly believes me."

"We will see when she plays for me. Can we start now I have a plane to catch this evening."

As they go down the stairs Wyatt starts to cry, Anthony picks him up and brings him with them to the basement. He is still fussing, Hughes is making a face. "I will take him upstairs."

"No Anthony, I got this." Melody sets him on the bench next to her and plays a song that she sings to him, lulling him back to sleep. "What would you like to hear me play?"

"Play anything that you know well."

She starts with a piece from Beethoven then goes to Bach and finishes with the theme song from the movie Titanic. No one says a word waiting for Mr. Hughes to say something. "I will be in the area on a sabbatical, I want to write in peace. I can come here two days a week, you will follow my instruction and there will be no back talk."

"You think I am good enough?"

"Time will tell. For the next six months I will work on your stage presence and your emotions. That you are more than capable of showing. Do you understand what I am saying?"

"Yes, I do. Thank you for this honor," Melody beams.

"Don't thank me yet, this will cost you. You will play three concerts with me. It will be at your convenience but my time."

"You want me to play with you on stage?"

"Isn't that what I have just said? Except you will play by yourself as well. The music you play has the passion and skill needed to be one of the best. All you need is dedication to accomplish it."

"Thank you, Mr. Hughes. This is something I have always wanted to do."

"My name is Stephen; we will start on Tuesday of this week coming. I will be here at three in the afternoon, and we will work for three hours a lesson."

"I will be ready. Thank you again for your time." Melody sounds excited. They walk the two out to the car and say goodbye. "He likes my playing, Anthony! He really liked it!"

"I knew he would. Are you ready to play in front of all those people?"

"I think so. It will not be for a while. He said six months of lessons, then he will have to have some place to hold a concert at. This gives me time to work on my doctor's degree. I have finished two more semesters of werewolf anatomy and I have two years of studies left, unless I take extra classes. I don't think I have time for the extra classes."

"Do you think you will have time for us?"

"I will always have time for you and the twins. You are my life. If it gets too hard, I will stop the music, deal."

"I don't want you to give up your dreams."

"I will not give up music all together, I will just put it off until I'm done school."

Anthony hugs her and twirls her around, "We will all help you. I know you will make it big and outshine the rest of them."

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