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Chapter 77

Laurie comes downstairs, "Anthony, she's awake. The doctor is finishing up, he said she's ok, she was just exhausted and that she needs to rest more. Why don't you go up to her, she's pretty upset. Anthony, don't yell at her."

He passes the doctor on the stairs, "Alpha, the Luna is fine. So is the pup. I gave her some vitamins and told her that she needs to stay off her feet more."

"Thanks, Doc." Anthony walks into the room and sits on the bed next to her.

"Anthony, please don't yell at me. I know I screwed up again. I didn't think anybody would be out there. I just wanted to get away from everything."

"I'm not yelling at you, baby. Do you know how scared I was when I saw you lying on the ground like that, and you weren't moving?"

"I know, I did something stupid. I won't do it again, I promise."

"Did they hurt you?"

"No, they just kept playing with me like I was a toy. A stupid toy they thought they had the right to bully."

"You know who it was don't you?"

"I don't know for sure, but I have a pretty good idea."

"Then you know if they ever found out that it was you, we would be in a lot of trouble."

"Anthony, stop. I know I made a mistake; I know how close I came to losing everything. I'm sorry."

He strokes her hair, "If you want to go out again and run, tell me. I'll go with you. Sleep, we have the bon fire tonight, and we are telling the pack about the new baby. Do you feel up to it or do you want to wait?"

"We can't wait, I have to be there, or they will know that it was me."

Anthony pecks her on her head, "Sleep so you can make it tonight." Then he leaves the room.

Back at the pack house the three men quickly shower and change to cover the fact that they were in the woods all together, "If anyone asks we were in our rooms all day."

"We need a better idea than that." Michael adds, "We need to get a present for the baby and it will seem we spent the afternoon shopping."

"It is late how are we getting a present for the baby?"

"Alpha, I have one in my room, I was going to use it to break the ice with Melody."

"That's why your dad was the best beta ever, he didn't come up with a lame idea like you."

"I at least had an idea. I didn't hear you say anything."

"Micheal is pissed. "The two of you need to stop acting like children. We have to get ready for the bonfire, and all their happy ever after shit."

"I think we are moving to a hotel after the bonfire. Set up reservations. It will lesson some of the tension."

"I will take care of it Drew."

"We leave for the bonfire as soon as you make arrangements."

Anthony is checking on the preparations for tonight. "Are we ready for the bon fire?"

"Almost, Alpha. We are waiting on Bonny; she is doing the reveal part. The rest of It is all ready to go." Laurie has been taking care of it.

"That is one tough lady. I can see where Melody gets it from." Anthony tells Branden who is there helping.

"To tell you the truth Branden, it feels like this is my first pups. I'm so excited to tell the pack their Luna is pregnant and tell them what we are having."

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