Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

A few drinks later Eric gets an idea. "Hey why don't we send Bonnie to talk to her? Her and Mel were close, she might just be the ticket."

"Do you think she would do it for us?"

"I know she misses her, if you alpha order her she can't say no."

"Mind link her now. If she says no, I will order her to do it." Bonnie comes to the office. "Just the person I want to talk to."

"Yes Alpha. What can I do for you?" Bonnie says a little cold, she still can't stand the Alpha and the beta. They drove her friend away.

"We found Melody. She doesn't want to come home. I want you to go to the pack she is in and bring her back. Just talk her into it."

"Alpha, what if she doesn't want to come back?"

"That is your job, figure it out, make her want to come home. Give her a good reason she is so soft hearted any sob story will do."

"I can do that. I know Melody better than anyone. If you want her home I would be most likely the only one that could talk her into it. When do I leave?"

"She is on the other side of the country, if you fly, in about a week or two. If you want to go cross country then now."

"I want to drive there, I hate flying. I had better go home and pack then I will leave tomorrow."

"That is fine, take this for gas on your trip." He hands her a card. "You will also need a room and something to eat along the way. I'll put two thousand dollars on it, that should get you there."

"Thank you, Alpha," Bonnie takes the card and leaves the office to head home to pack. "I hope this is the last time I will ever have to see both of their faces. If Melody will take me in, I am out of this pack forever. He even gave me the gas for the trip." Bonnie is so happy she is singing as she packs. Her mind is on how much her and Mel are going to have to catch up on. If I hurry, I might get out of here in a couple of hours, that would even be better. That thought made her move faster.

While Bonnie is packing, she keeps thinking about her and Mel. I hope she didn't forget me. When I finished high school, I went to be a nurse. I found that I really like taking care of people. It is just rewarding. Shoot I should call mom, especially if I am not coming back. "Mom, they found Melody."

"How is she, is she doing alright?"

"I don't know, the alpha is sending me to where she is to try and talk her into coming back. He gave me money and all."

Phoebe almost screamed in the phone. "You can't do that, they will make her life a living hell."

Bonnie rolls her eyes, luckily her mom can't see her. "I know mom, I am not brain dead. Did you forget I was here the whole time she was mistreated."

"You know Melody changed your life, and a lot of others. She needs to stay away from Drew."

"If she will have me, I plan on staying with her. My hope is her pack will take me in. If they don't then I am coming down by you. I can't take this pack anymore."

"I know you miss her and it would be nice if you stayed with her your dad and I can come and visit. If it doesn't work out you know that your father and I wanted you to come with us. I understand you stayed incase Melody came back. Drive safe call me, and let me know what is going on. I love you."

"I love you too." I begin to think about what my mom said. If it wasn't for what Melody said, I never would have thought of being a nurse. She told me that caring for people makes you feel good inside and she was right. Mom told me I should be a doctor, that takes too many brain cells, more than what I have. Being a nurse is just fine by me.

There is a knock at the door. "Who is it?"

"It is me, Beta Eric."

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath to calm down, I go to the door, "Yes beta."

"The alpha wanted to know if you needed to borrow a car for the trip."

"Tell him that is very kind of him but my car, is just fine."

"Do you need help packing for your trip?"

"No, thank you I have it well in hand."

"Then I will be off and talk to you later. "Eric lingers by the door not saying anything.

"Is there something else?"

He clears his throat, are you leaving in the morning?"

"I was thinking I might leave tonight if I can get done fast enough."

"It is better to get an early start in the morning. You should get a good night rest."

"Thanks for the advice I will leave in the morning."

The sooner I get out of here the better. I know Eric likes me he is always hanging around me. He is to much of a chicken shit to ask me out. Not that I would go on a date with him. I may play around dating, but I am waiting for my mate. He is out there somewhere. I've got all my clothes packed along with some of my personal stuff. I will load my favorite blankie with my pillows in the morning. The only stop I have to do is to get gas and snacks then it is open roads. I hate to admit it after packing and loading the car, I am too tired to drive. I will start first thing in the morning.

"Who the hell is knocking at 6:30 in the morning." Bonnie crawls out of bed. "Who is it?"

"I came to say goodbye and see if you need anything. I wanted to make sure you didn't need any last-minute help."

"I have everything I need."

"That is a lot of stuff to take on a trip."

"You never know what you might need on the road. And I am going to be gone a month or more."

"How long are you going to be gone?" Eric didn't believe she would need to be gone that long.

"Two weeks to get there, two weeks back and it will take me a few days to talk her into coming back with me. So, over a month. I am going to bring my pillows and blanket in case I get tired and there is no place to stay."

"You think of everything don't you? Then I will see you when you get back. When you get back maybe we could go out for dinner sometime?"

"We'll see when I get back, thank you." Bonnie closes the door saying to herself. "Bye idiot. I can't stand him, and he keeps flirting with me."

Drew is in his office trying to get some work done, ever since he found out about Melody, he can't concentrate on anything. It has been over a week Michael should have called by now. He breaks his pencil. "He should of called by now."

Eric walks in Drews office, "Finished training for today how are you doing in here?"

"Fine. What is taking so long for your father to call?"

"He will call soon, you know him. Do you need me to do anything?"

"No. Not right now."

"I know you don't want to hear this but you look like shit. Do you want a drink?'"

"No I am fine just leave me alone. Go do your job."

"Then I am getting a shower." The phone rings.

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