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Chapter 16

"Charley, I don't know how to thank you. Really you are a very special person."

"Don't say that around to many people they might believe you."

"You are so silly, where are we off to now?"

"Lafayette, Louisiana. It is about six and a half hours away. We should be there around nine tonight; we are getting a room then going to get some Cajun food and see some of this parting they do in the streets."

"It's nine fifteen and the truck is locked up, let's get a taxi and head to town."

"Is the truck safe there?"

"Yes it's fine for the night. This is a protected lot. Security stays here around the clock." As we drove through the streets, everyone is in these costumes dancing around like nuts. "You and I are sharing a room just in case they are following us, I don't want to leave you alone."

"Thank you. Look at some of these costumes they are wild."

"I couldn't picture wearing anything like that. There is our hotel let's get to our room." Melody stayed close to Charley, the streets were so crowded, if they got separated, they might lose one another. "This is our number it is supposed to have two beds."

"Those beds are kind of small Charley." He lays down to rest and it was so funny. Charley is so tall his feet and half his calves are falling off the bottom of the bed. "How are you going to sleep like that?"

"You get used to it in places like this, they are all the same." He is wearing shorts and a t-shirt to bed; She has her sweats and a tank top on. "How are you going to sleep in that hot hoody. The air in this place is not that good."

"I don't mind the heat and the hoodies are soft and baggy." Charley rolls his eyes and tries to get comfortable on the tiny bed.

She is excited when she gets up in the morning, Melody gets to put on one of her new outfits and go out with Charley. "What do you think it is one of the ones you bought me."

"You are dress perfect for the day, I have the whole day planned out. We are having breakfast at this little café across from the hotel. Then we go to rent a boat I've heard of, so we can go out fishing."

"I have never been fishing but it sounds cool." Charley got a thirty-pound fish. Me, I got a sunburn. When they get back to shore, both of them head up to change then grab some food.

Charley explains what he ordered them to eat. "This is Cajun food, it is hot and so good I really love it. You will like it, it isn't that hot."

Melody takes one bite and her whole face turns red. "It's not hot, no. My mouth is only on fire." Charley is laughing at the faces I am making.

"That looks like something I'd be good at." Charley drags me out to join the people dancing in the streets.

"This is so much fun Charley. For an old man he has some moves, and as large as he is, he is light on his feet, partly because he has stepped on mine so much. When we crash that night, we fall asleep to the music still playing in the street.

"Time to get up Little one. We are hitting the road going to Auburn, Alabama."

While stretching she asks. "How long is this ride?"

"It is about seven hours to get there. Don't tell me you are tired of the truck already?"

"No not at all, I am just curious. You usually tell me times and this time you didn't."

This time we were sitting in a truck loading dock for a while the place was backed up, but it didn't put a damper on mine or Charley's mood. "While we're here let's rent a car and check out the sights."

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