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Chapter 76

Back at the house Papa Charley goes up to check on Melody and sees she's not there. "Melody, where are you?" Looking all through the house he cannot find her anywhere. Starting to worry, he calls Laurie, "Have you seen Melody?"

"No, why?"

"She's not in the house, she's gone. Come watch the kids, I have to go look for her."

"Shouldn't we tell Anthony?"

"He's worried enough, let's make sure she needs help first." Laurie is at the house in three minutes. Just as Papa Charley says, "I'm going to the hospital." He hears a mind link from Melody. Mind linking her back, "Where are you?"

"The little stream you showed me. Harmony and I took a run."

"I'm on the way, start heading for home. Remember you know how to fight now, I've trained you." Yelling to Laurie, "I know where she's at. I'll be back." Then he shifts as he runs out the door.

"Michael, do you see that? What is that glowing over there?"

"I can't make it out, Alpha, but it's moving."

Eric says gruffly, "Want to play some cat and mouse?" The three men get a sinister look in their eyes as they take off.

They catch a glimpse of Harmony running through the woods, "Look at that she-wolf, she's glowing."

"How about we get her a little dirty?"

"Will you two behave, this is not our pack. We cannot get her dirty, we can only scare her a little."

With Harmony being pregnant she can't run as fast as she normally can. The three strange wolves catch up to her and start nipping at her tail. "For a she wolf, she's as big as you, Drew."

"She's really beautiful. She'd make a good Luna. I might find out who she is and take her for the night."

"I got her tail; she's not going to get rid of me now."

"Don't hurt her, Eric. We don't need more problems."

"You're no fun, Drew."

"Papa, I don't think they want to hurt me, but they keep nipping at my tail. Being pregnant I can't outrun them. There's three big ones, they are as big as you are. I'm scared, they might make me lose my pups. They are pushing me hard."

"I'm almost there, Little one. I'm mind linking Anthony."

"Please don't, he'll get mad at me."

"He should get mad at you, I'm furious with you. You didn't tell me you were leaving."

"I know, I know, I just wanted to get away from everything for a few minutes." Then Papa Charley's large grey wolf steps into view. Harmony runs behind him. Charley growls, holding his ground.

Michael mind links Drew and Eric, "That's our cue to get the hell out of here."

As they run off Melody lays on the ground exhausted, Papa Charley mind links Anthony, "Melody needs you, she needs clothes. Meet us in the woods behind the house, you can follow our scent."

"Dad we have a problem, and I am going to kill Drew."

"What happened, is everyone alright?"

"He touched her, he had the nerve to put his hands on her and try to keep her from leaving."

"He did this to Melody?"

"Yes, Melody, she said he scared her and didn't hurt her. My wolf wants him dead. He touched my pregnant mate!!"

"Son, calm down, we will fix this, I will tell the rest of them what happened, and we will set up things so she is never alone and set up guards to go with her. You need to go and be with Melody and make your wolf calm down."

"Uncle Charley knows, and he said he would stay with her, he is as mad as I am."

"I know your uncle, he is most likely worse than you are. After losing his wife and daughter he gave up. Melody has given him back his life and she is the world to him."

"She is very important to all of us, the pack loves her too. Dad, I failed her, she needed me, and I failed her."

"You didn't fail her she is fine just a little shaken up. She needs you to be calm to help her, she is going to have a pup, and this is too much stress, and you need to go and let her know you are calm and under control."

"You're right, she needs me. I will take care of her."

"I am calling your uncle to try and calm him down."

Anthony puts his hand up to his father. "He's mind linking me. Something's wrong with Melody, I have to bring her clothes and meet them in the woods."

"I'm coming with you." They are both running in the woods, in wolf form they are faster that way. Their scent leads Anthony and Cameron right to them.

Seeing Melody laying on the ground Anthony runs over paniced, "Melody, are you alright? What happened?"

Charley is lying next to Melody still in wolf form to cover her as much as possible. "I think she's just exhausted."

Anthony covers her with the blanket he brought with him, "Why is she out here?" He picks her up cradling her in his arms and walks to the house.

Cameron holds up another blanket for Charley as he shifts back to Human form. Anthony mind links the doctor to meet him at his house. Once he gets her into their room she is still sleeping as he lays her on the bed. There's a knock on the front door, Laurie answers it. "She's upstairs in her room." Laurie takes the doctor to her room.

"Doc, we just found her there. I think she's just sleeping, but she won't respond when we talk to her."

"Anthony, go down and talk with your father and uncle. I'll stay with her and as soon as we know what is going on I'll get you."

Anthony looks back and forth from Laurie to Melody then leaves the room. "Uncle Charley, I'm as calm as I'm going to get. What happened?"

"I went to check on her, she wasn't in her room. I checked with Laurie, but she wasn't there. I was going to go to the hospital but then she mind linked me and told me she was in trouble. When I got there she had three large black wolves chasing her. They weren't attacking her, but they were playing with her. You know biting her tail and bumping her, not hard enough to knock her over just like kids do at play."

"Were they rogues?"

"No, Anthony, they weren't rogues, but they weren't pack members either. As soon as I showed up, they took off. I didn't chase them I stayed with her, and mind linked you."

"Why was she out there? She knows better."

"I was yelling at her for leaving without telling me, she said she just wanted to get away from everything for a few minutes."

"You know who it was right, Son?"

"Yeah, and they could have stolen her or hurt her. I can't prove it, what do I do?"

"You have a plan, stick to it. We can't let them know it was Melody. You can't act upset or then Melody will be in serious trouble. They would do anything to take her from us and them knowing they would use it against us to get her."

"I failed again, Dad. I failed again."

"You didn't fail anybody. If anyone failed it was me, I let her get out of the house without staying with her." Charley says feeling guilty.

"Both of you knock it the hell off! She's upstairs, tired and hurt, she doesn't need this. The only person to blame here is Melody. She left this house without telling anyone, and she knew better."

"It's not Melody's fault. I knew she was under a lot of stress with everything and with the baby coming. I yelled at her, she asked me to stop yelling at her I have been losing my temper a lot this last week and a half they have been here. Dear Goddess, I hope the baby is alright."

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