Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Two o'clock the next morning Kody is knocking at the door. He was there before we knew it. I'm not even dressed, and Antony is eyeing me up as prey and he is not going to stop.

"Anthony, I have to get dressed we have to leave." He starts to pout like the twins. "We can finish this in New York."

I shower in three minutes and get dressed in five. Anthony is waiting with our bags downstairs. Kody comes over and places them in the trunk and we get in the back of the car. This ride is going to take eight hours if we are lucky, and we don't hit traffic.

Anthony stop it we are not alone."

"It's only Kody it's alright." He is kissing me and roaming over my body like Kody couldn't see.

I tweak his nose. "Stop or I am going to tweak something else. Wait until we are alone." I spend most of the trip sleeping, once I get Anthony to keep his hands off of me. Poor Kody had to deal with watching me push Anthony off me, I am so embarrassed. "I'm sorry Kody, he is a pain." Kody looks in the review mirror and smirks at Anthony's antics. Anthony just laughs at how red my face is, men are such children.

The hotel is so big and fancy. Marble is everywhere, along with gold chandeliers placed in all the right places. The lady at the counter is very polite and a looker with blond hair, neat in a bun and a tight-fitting suit, that has a skirt rather the pants. This place is hectic with all the people running around.

"I have the keys to the rooms let's get upstairs before it gets worse down here." I take Anthony's hand while Kody and two of the guards grab the bags.

Once in the room it is time to unpack and make sure my dress is not wrinkled. It is such a stylish dress, it is black, off the shoulder with a form fitting body and a knee-high flared skirt. Anthony has his black tux with a white shirt and black bow tie. I hang them up and start on the suitcases, when there is a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

"Stephen, can I speak to you."

I go to open the door and here is the man with a tux on at ten thirty in the morning, "You are dressed a little early, aren't you?"

"This is how they picture me, so I play the part. A woman from the concert at my home has pledged fifty thousand dollars if you will meet with her after the concert. I told her I would speak to you."

"As long as Anthony is with me, it should be fine."

"I will tell her. Are you going to warm up on the piano?"

"Yes, in about an hour after I get unpacked."

Anthony comes in from talking to his guards. "Hello Stephen, why are you here so early?"

"A lady who saw the concert in my home, offered fifty thousand dollars for the charity if she could meet Melody after the concert."

"What did you say, Melody?"

"It would be fine as long as you are with me. Is that alright?"

"Yes, that is fine, we will meet in this room."

"Baby, do you want to come down while I rehearse for tonight?"

"Kody and two of the guards are going with you. I have to take care of a few things."

"Stephen, are you coming?"

"I would not miss it for the world."

"Love you baby, get some rest."

"See you soon." Anthony kisses me passionately.

As Stephen and I go down in the elevator he asks, "Is he always this over the top with protection?"

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