Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

"Melody, dad is taking over the pack so I can stay by your side until the pups are born. They are due any day."

"That is nice of him. I really hope they hurry up I am sick of this bed right now."

"I want to be there and hold your hand and comfort you, he knows how that feels. He did that for my mom."

Between Anthony and Papa Charley, they are making Melody crazy. She can't breathe heavy without them trying to take her to the hospital. "We have your last check up today are you ready to go. Hopefully they can tell us the gender this time."

"Whatever they are we will love them. But the two of them are movers, they don't stay still long enough to see what they are." Melody says.

The house is ready for the pups. Charley turned the basement into a music room slash playroom. This way when she wants to play the pups have a place to stay out of the way. Then he had the dining room made larger, and a two- story extension put on, with four more bedrooms, two upstairs and two down, the old music room became the nursery. They painted it like the sky all blue with white fluffy clouds. It has a soft comfy rocking chair and two cribs along with two dressers and a changing table. Fluffy soft toys lay all around it, there is nothing they don't have that they might need. Two car seats and two highchairs. Anthony is proud of what they have done. We had the ultrasound it told us we were having twins one of each. We are keeping it from her to surprise her. "Melody, I want you to see what Uncle Charley and I did."

Anthony helps her up and she waddles into the nursery. "Anthony this is perfect they are the luckiest babies on this planet."

"We wanted to surprise you there is one of each that is why this crib and bassinet is pink and that one is blue."

Papa Charley walked in. "You like the surprise?"

"It is perfect, I missed a lot being stuck in that bed. The two of you are the best."

"After the babies are born you can check out the rest of the house but know we have got to get you to the doctor and then off your feet."

Melody sighs, "I knew you would say that." Both men chuckle at her.

It's five thirty in the morning, Melody shoves Anthony, "Anthony, get up!"

"HMMMMM," he moans.

"Anthony, get up. The pups are coming." She roles over, he's still not moving. She looks over to her nightstand and sees her glass of water. "That's it!" Then throws the glass of water at him and shouts, "GET UP!"

Shaking his head and rubbing the water off his face he yells, "What the hell?"

"The pups are coming, and you wouldn't wake up."

"They're coming!" Anthony jumps out of bed and begins to run around like a nut stammering he repeats over and over "Ok, they're coming. I got this." As he grabs his clothes and throws them on, he mind links Charley to get the car started and he grabs her bag. He heads out the door and down the stairs.

"Let's go, Uncle Charley." He shouts as he jumps in the front seat.

"Uh, you forget something?"

Looking around he shouts, "Melody!" Then runs up the stairs to get her. Charley shakes his head and gets out of the car.

Charley helps Anthony get her into the car. The two of them are fighting and shoving each other trying to get her in the seat. Melody is beginning to feel like a ping-pong ball. "I'll get in myself!" She yells. "It has been thirty minutes and we haven't even gotten in the car."

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